Matthew McConAUUUUGH!hey
October 1, 2018 9:19 AM   Subscribe

And a devoted fan of our local college sports team...
posted by jim in austin at 9:31 AM on October 1, 2018 [2 favorites]

I made it 33 seconds. 33!
posted by cjorgensen at 9:57 AM on October 1, 2018 [5 favorites]

Alright, alright, alriiiiiight.
posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson at 10:58 AM on October 1, 2018 [8 favorites]

Yeah, sorry. He's still no Dragonslayer. Nope.
posted by humboldt32 at 11:24 AM on October 1, 2018 [2 favorites]

I have a one year old who has a vocabulary currently of "dada," "mama," and "besy" (Betsy, the dog). I am earnestly working on ensuring that his first complete sentence is "Alright, alright, alriiiiiight." Video forthcoming.
posted by allkindsoftime at 12:13 PM on October 1, 2018 [7 favorites]

> cjorgensen:
"I made it 33 seconds. 33!"

Beat ya! But only because you bragged.
posted by Samizdata at 12:42 PM on October 1, 2018 [1 favorite]

I made it 33 seconds. 33!

Time is a flat circle.
posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson at 12:58 PM on October 1, 2018 [3 favorites]

No subtitles?
posted by polecat at 1:40 PM on October 1, 2018 [1 favorite]

> It's Raining Florence Henderson:
"I made it 33 seconds. 33!

Time is a flat circle."

Especially when waiting on pizza delivery.
posted by Samizdata at 2:37 PM on October 1, 2018 [3 favorites]

without looking at how long the video was before just watching it through, it went on for way longer than i expected, but i stuck with it. it speaks to his... prolific acting that there's more than one specific scene of him opening a door while holding stuff and making the same grunt.

also, there's a movie of him and Bill Murray seemingly transporting an elephant that I've never heard about.

also also, heard of Dragonslayer, never seen it, and now I'm spoilt as to what happens to him in that movie, and i guess that's all i need to know.
posted by numaner at 3:09 PM on October 1, 2018 [1 favorite]

See, Dragonslayer is a good movie. Mr McConaughey's abomination is called Reign of Fire. (Which is actually a pretty good movie. But I'm bitter.)

I have a real love hate relationship with this guy.
posted by humboldt32 at 3:14 PM on October 1, 2018 [3 favorites]

He tricks the dragons into burning huge fields of cannabis. They get too stoned to fly or defend themselves.
posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson at 3:18 PM on October 1, 2018

See, Dragonslayer is a good movie. Mr McConaughey's abomination is called Reign of Fire.

ah, I was mistaken by your comment above, I didn't think to look up if those scenes were actually Dragonslayer. I might have to check it out at some point.
posted by numaner at 3:32 PM on October 1, 2018 [1 favorite]

Dragonslayer is AWESOME. it really hold up well, one of the best cinematic dragons of all time. No cgi!
posted by supermedusa at 4:49 PM on October 1, 2018 [1 favorite]

Aw, I'm disappointed that subtitles aren't available, as I'd love to see what translated subtitles would come up with for this.
posted by limeonaire at 7:07 PM on October 1, 2018

That's a pithy soundboard with just the one button.

Aw, I'm disappointed that subtitles aren't available, as I'd love to see what translated subtitles would come up with for this.

Japanese: あああああああああああっ
posted by ChurchHatesTucker at 7:33 PM on October 1, 2018 [1 favorite]

there's a movie of him and Bill Murray seemingly transporting an elephant that I've never heard about.

That was the 1996 flop Larger Than Life which includes some pretty uninspired Bill Murray and very typical M.M.
posted by klausman at 9:40 PM on October 1, 2018 [1 favorite]

> supermedusa:
"Dragonslayer is AWESOME. it really hold up well, one of the best cinematic dragons of all time. No cgi!"

Vermithrax Perjatorive.
posted by Samizdata at 12:20 AM on October 2, 2018 [2 favorites]

Don't @ me about spelling errors, please. It sickens me.
posted by Samizdata at 5:02 AM on October 2, 2018

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