Now you're playing with power.
April 8, 2006 1:12 PM   Subscribe

Relive your roots at This site is a huge repository for all kinds of NES stuff - it has an extensive sprite gallery, a rather comprehensive list of all NES merchandise and accessories available through the years, NES ads from comics, shots and clips from Nintendo-based TV shows(no episodes- I know - but when was the last time you thought of Captain N or the Super Mario Bros. Super Show?). There are shrines, guides, interviews, this guy who paints NES scenes... in short too much to list here. Go now, be fruitless. It's Saturday.
posted by BlackLeotardFront (8 comments total)
Here's the 8-bit Artist's Deviantart page, it's awesome too but I wanted all the FPP links to be to NESplayer.
posted by BlackLeotardFront at 1:14 PM on April 8, 2006

My first ever console was the NES. I had begged my parents for one because I was addicted to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game at the time (oooooh, how much pocket money I wasted on that thng) and had heard the NES had a TMNT game available to play on it. I thought it was the same game as the arcade game. Oh, how wrong I was. I still played it all the way through to the end.

I went on to buy all three Super Mario Brothers games for it, Rush 'N Attack, both Zeldas and the god awful Mach Rider. I think there's one other game I had that I'm missing but I can't be sure right now.

This singular gift of the old Lunchbox started me down a road that have never deviated from. I went on to buy the SNES, the N64, the Gamecube and now I've even gone and gotten myself a DS. Sad to say, I never owned a Gameboy, though the DS is helping me to experience some GBA goodness.

So sufficed to say, this page rocks my world. My only gripe is that I would have expected (hoped?) the game database to be a bit bigger. Maybe I'm just having trouble navigating the site and can't find their extensive database. But with or without said database, I warmly thankyou for sharing this BlackLeotard. You've made a long time Nintendo whore happy.
posted by Effigy2000 at 2:04 PM on April 8, 2006

Well, I guess if ONE other person saw it I'm happy.
posted by BlackLeotardFront at 6:47 PM on April 8, 2006

Three words:


That's really all there is to say.

Thank you BlackLeotardFront!
posted by Ptrin at 7:22 PM on April 8, 2006

The number of comments a post receives is inversely proportionate to the quality of the post.

This is great BLF, Mercy Buckets.
posted by hughbot at 9:52 PM on April 8, 2006

posted by Baby_Balrog at 10:29 AM on April 9, 2006

Great post and link. Thanks!
posted by jtron at 10:50 PM on April 9, 2006

Effigy2000, if you really beat the original TMNT for NES, you get props. Mad props.
posted by Durhey at 2:18 PM on April 10, 2006

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