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July 9, 2009 3:26 PM   Subscribe

Oh god, I read this years ago but I still love it. Good find.
posted by Navelgazer at 3:29 PM on July 9, 2009

I used periods instead of colons and kept on slightly confusing people but eventually they came around. Brilliant.
posted by headless at 3:37 PM on July 9, 2009 [1 favorite]

poor punctuation and bad grammar is funny.
posted by subaruwrx at 3:50 PM on July 9, 2009

Bill Watterson really, really hates it when people rip off Calvin & Hobbes. I'm surprised they haven't been hit with a cease & desist over their front page image or their "Calvinball" intro.
posted by Devils Rancher at 4:15 PM on July 9, 2009

The weirdest part of this is that, for the life of me, I think that back when I played Pitfall, I always went to the left. You weren't supposed to do that?
posted by Edgewise at 5:58 PM on July 9, 2009

I used to be the queen of Pitfal, leaving my children dead in the bird caves. Those were the days...
posted by francesca too at 6:04 PM on July 9, 2009

I always went left when playing Pitfall.
posted by zsazsa at 7:44 PM on July 9, 2009

This makes me vibrate at my natural frequency.
posted by fiercecupcake at 8:07 AM on July 10, 2009

Calvin & Hobbes thieves make baby Jesus cry.

It also automatically invalidates any merit they would have otherwise had.

Just don't do it.
posted by Aquaman at 8:57 AM on July 10, 2009

Bill Watterson really, really hates it when people rip off Calvin & Hobbes.

So are all those "Calvin pissing on a Chevy logo" stickers authorized? Why are there so many of them?
posted by mrgrimm at 9:37 AM on July 10, 2009

So are all those "Calvin pissing on a Chevy logo" stickers authorized? Why are there so many of them?

1. None of them are authorized. 2. There's a lot of IP thieves out there with a "Go ahead & send your cease & desist" attitude. Watterson spends an inordinate amount of time ceasing & desisting bootleggers. I've dealt with (and turned away) many, many of them in my years in the printing business. Calvin is a favorite amongst bootleggers, partly because there is absolutely NO authorized Calvin and Hobbes merch whatsoever, except the book collections of the strips. So he's created a demand by creating an utter vacuum, but it's his artistic integrity gig. I respect that.

I printed a design for his brother's band one time that he drew up for them, and his brother waited in our front office while my staff artist shot the film positive of the original, & then took it with him. He picked up the film with the shirts. It was the only way Watterson would let him use it -- if it didn't go out of his sight -- & it wasn't even Calvin-related, or too readily identifiable as a Watterson work.
posted by Devils Rancher at 5:52 PM on July 10, 2009

Wait, what? You're NOT supposed to go left? All those hours of defending the meagre life Pitfall Harry were wasted on going the wrong way?
posted by lekvar at 5:59 PM on July 10, 2009

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