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October 2, 2010 12:49 PM   Subscribe

My Jello Americans is the future of jello shots.
posted by box (29 comments total) 48 users marked this as a favorite
That's a jiggle-load of awesome.

I wonder how agar compares to gelatin for alcohol matrixing?
posted by porpoise at 12:52 PM on October 2, 2010

I feel like I should be snarking somehow, but am not sure what to say.
posted by Melismata at 1:11 PM on October 2, 2010

I remember one day, when I was much younger, helping my mom make peach schnapps jello shots for a party. Even though I was maybe 10 or 11, I snuck one out of the refrigerator later that day. They hadn't really jelled, probably due to the amount of alcohol in each one, and I found myself frantically slurping half-jelled, slimy peach gelatin out of a Dixie Cup in the middle of my bedroom. I immediately gagged and threw up all over myself. I haven't been able to stomach any sort of gelatin product since that moment.

But these are awesome, and almost make up for the past 17 years of not being able to eat jello. Except for maybe the one with corn in it. I'm pretty sure that one might make me throw up.
posted by kerning at 1:12 PM on October 2, 2010 [4 favorites]

I hated jello shots until now. Awesome stuff.
posted by elpea at 1:12 PM on October 2, 2010 [1 favorite]


I've made agar shots with Everclear before, though I can't be sure of how close the alcohol content was to still being 95% because of the heating necessary to melt it. Jello shots can't get past somewhere under 40% w/v
posted by Blasdelb at 1:16 PM on October 2, 2010

100 shots of awesome.
posted by Cool Papa Bell at 1:20 PM on October 2, 2010

A pal of mine created pumpkin pie jello shots last year for a Halloween party, with Hiram Walker Pumpkin Spice Liqueur, and topped with a squirt of Reddi-Wip.

I thought those were the pièce de résistance of "designer Jello shots", until this website.

Thank you, box. This is greatness.
posted by pineapple at 1:34 PM on October 2, 2010

Amazing! This never would have occurred to me. Jello shots...culinary art? I don't know what's going on here, but I like it.
posted by mellavellum at 1:46 PM on October 2, 2010

Its beautiful booze art...num num num,...want!
posted by quazichimp at 1:55 PM on October 2, 2010

These are genius - it's like Jell-O shots meets pastry chef. They make me sad I'm a vegetarian who can't have alcohol, and neither of those facts ordinarily bother me. What's with the Hummel figurines in the title image, though?
posted by jocelmeow at 2:16 PM on October 2, 2010

Oh, these are gorgeous (something I never thought I'd say about fucking Jello shots). Though as one of the few people in the world that will own up to loving the Buttered Popcorn Jelly Bellys, this one still gives me pause.
posted by Ufez Jones at 2:25 PM on October 2, 2010

Cheese rum? This is a thing that actually exists? That people buy? On purpose?
posted by The corpse in the library at 2:27 PM on October 2, 2010 [2 favorites]

Wow. I need white chocolate alcoholic Jello deviled eggs.
posted by amro at 2:42 PM on October 2, 2010

Those look almost too pretty to shoot.

Good to see Art In The Age's Snap as an ingredient. I got some Root recently and it's delicous.
posted by jonmc at 2:53 PM on October 2, 2010

These are beautiful but it's really frustrating that they don't list measurements. Yeah, yeah, everything to taste and all that, but I'm not working with enough time or money to be able to experiment. Just list approximations, ladies. We can take it from there.
posted by corey flood at 3:13 PM on October 2, 2010 [2 favorites]

I remember one day, when I was much younger, helping my mom make peach schnapps jello shots for a party.

I actually showed my mom how to do a jello shot. It was at a block party. Younger neighbors had made some.
posted by jonmc at 3:24 PM on October 2, 2010

Some of the in-laws brought jello shots to a family Thanksgiving two years ago and were snarked for not bringing something more traditional / family-friendly.

If they had put this kind of effort into them, it might have balanced out. Thanks for the link.
posted by FreelanceBureaucrat at 3:50 PM on October 2, 2010

> I got some Root recently and it's delicous

I am intrigued. How are you drinking it? Straight? Mixed with... with what? Other than gelatin, that is.
posted by The corpse in the library at 4:42 PM on October 2, 2010

How are you drinking it? Straight? Mixed with... with what? Other than gelatin, that is.

It tastes a lot like rootbeer, so it is delicious over ice by itself. Or mixed with seltzer. Or in with a cola. I had a tasting of snap not too long ago, and it was lovely with gingerale.
posted by piratebowling at 6:15 PM on October 2, 2010

In case anyone else has the same problem as me, it took me ages to figure out that the mysterious ingredient "Knox" is actually the brand name for a type of gelatin.
posted by saucysault at 6:17 PM on October 2, 2010

Next time I go to a party my jello shots are gonna be classy!
posted by troublewithwolves at 6:56 PM on October 2, 2010

Klassy with a K!
posted by Cool Papa Bell at 8:01 PM on October 2, 2010

I am intrigued. How are you drinking it?

posted by jonmc at 8:39 PM on October 2, 2010

From the video for Snap blossom it looks like a good place to start in terms of ratio would be:

1 packet knox gelatin in 1/4 cup water
add flavoring ingredient and a little water
heat over very low heat until gelatin is dissolved
add 1/2 cup booze

That'll yield about a cup of jello, so adjust for larger quantities.

Disclaimer: I have not tried this so above may not work at all. Sorry.
posted by that's candlepin at 10:56 AM on October 4, 2010

Related (thanks, jacquilynne).
posted by box at 6:14 AM on October 21, 2010 [4 favorites]

And I though I was clever, making margarita shots from lime jello, tequila, and a thin layer of orange jello w/ triple sec. This is all kinds of awesome.
posted by theora55 at 6:41 AM on October 21, 2010

I had my first (and second, etc.) Jello shot on Saturday. I was at a wedding reception for a young relative. There was no wine, the bar consisted of a handful of bottles that could be mixed with soda pop, and the only beer was Keystone Light. But there were multiple flavors of Jello shots available.
posted by maurice at 7:00 AM on October 21, 2010

Wow, box and jacquilynne, those are gorgeous!
posted by misha at 8:38 AM on October 21, 2010

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