Ok...now that '24' has aired...
November 6, 2001 7:04 PM   Subscribe

Ok...now that '24' has aired... What do people think. Nice images, good story-line and good actors. The idea isn't new, but reminds me of a Nancy Drew episode.
***PLEASE NO SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!*** Not everyone has seen it yet.
posted by plemeljr (35 comments total)
I enjoyed it thoroughly - that last scene on the plane was creepy but cool at the same time. All in all, a good first episode - it will no doubt get more complex and plot-twisty as it progresses.

I would like to take bets on how many outfits Kiefer (one of my favorites from way back) goes through in the whole 24 hour period.
posted by GriffX at 7:12 PM on November 6, 2001

I liked it a lot. I thought the sheer volume of twists and layers was a bit unrealistic in the one hour "real time" format, but it was still fun. I'm curious to see how the various threads come together (which you know they will).

But my real question is how the actress who plays the daughter feels about having to wear that same shirt all year.
posted by pardonyou? at 7:14 PM on November 6, 2001

Wow, I didn't think it'd be this good. I'm definitely watching next week.
posted by mmesker at 7:14 PM on November 6, 2001

Another twist on the "real-time" format is Time Code. Worth a look if you are into experimental filmmaking.
posted by mapalm at 7:19 PM on November 6, 2001

How much you want to bet that none of these people eat, or sleep, or go to the bathroom during this particular 24 hours?
posted by Steven Den Beste at 7:24 PM on November 6, 2001

Me and my roommate thought it'd be funny if there was two or three whole episodes of Kiefer Sutherland sleeping, occasionally getting up to pee.

Yeah, we're warped.
posted by mmesker at 7:26 PM on November 6, 2001

I really dug 24 though I didn't get to watch the last 10 minutes. I'm curious if they're going to give characters episodes off for 'sleep'; It is 1 AM after all and none of the characters just woke up.

But the real question I want to ask is: Was anybody else as unimpressed with the Simpsons Halloween episode as I was?
Worst. Episode. Ever.
posted by boaz at 7:29 PM on November 6, 2001

boaz: I agree with you about the Simpsons. The Lucky Charms/Trix gag was probably the funniest thing on the show and they gave it away on the commercial that's been running for a solid two weeks now.

At least Malcolm is back on Sundays. :)
posted by mmesker at 7:36 PM on November 6, 2001

I missed tonight's Simpsons, but the Halloween episode is often disappointing. Everyone acts out of character, and packing three stories into a half hour is dizzying.
posted by jpoulos at 7:39 PM on November 6, 2001

stupid me decided that the commercials i was seeing during that 70s show and the simpsons for 24 didn't look all that hot.. so i skipped out on it.

and yes, the halloween episode was qiute dissapointing. the leprechaun at the end made me smile though.. reminded me of the shifty eyed dog. anh oh, it was great to see donna and eric almost somewhat together on the 70s show... i've been slacking off from watching over the past couple of months, and i guess i picked a good time to start again.
posted by lotsofno at 7:42 PM on November 6, 2001

Ditto, boaz and mmesker. Those Simpsons writers better get their asses in gear for Sunday's season premiere, or gosh darnit, what's the point of going on?

And jpoulos, I must humbly disagree. There have been some classic Halloween episodes (Homer going back in time with the toaster..."Lost Boys" spoof with Marge as the master vampire..."The Shining" spoof, etc...) throughout the last 12 years. But tonight's was by far one of the worst episodes ever. Halloween or otherwise.
posted by mapalm at 7:43 PM on November 6, 2001

missed 'em all. i was watching buffy: the musical. possibly the first implied oral sex scene i've ever seen in a musical. neat.
posted by patricking at 7:44 PM on November 6, 2001

Ok...now that '24' has aired... What do people think?

Loved it. Way better than I expected. Count me in next week, and the week after that...
posted by verdezza at 7:57 PM on November 6, 2001

missed 'em all. i was watching buffy: the musical.

Same here -- had to catch the full unedited episode. Thank gawd for Tivo (still need to finish 'Uprising,' though).

possibly the first implied oral sex scene i've ever seen in a musical. neat.

There were many very funny lyrics, but that song by Willow's girlfriend was one of the best:

"I'm lying here in ecstacy/
Spread underneath my 'Willow' tree"
posted by Dirjy at 8:09 PM on November 6, 2001

For the most part the simpsons have aged very well.

Agreed. When I'm feeling down on the Simpsons, all I have to do is watch an episode of a 'normal' sitcom like Friends, Frasier, etc. Those are funny shows in general, but nothing else approaches the level of madcap genius of The Simpsons.
posted by boaz at 8:22 PM on November 6, 2001

As I said, I liked 24 quite a bit, but I also enjoyed The Simpsons, even if it was kinda weak. Really, a 'bad' Simpsons is still way better than the best of any other TV comedy.

Speaking of Futurama, though, does anyone know when/if it's coming back? At some points last season it was approaching Groening's other child in terms of sheer inventive hilarity:

"Hang on, I'm only two skulls short of a Musketeers' reunion!"
- Bender, while looting a celebrity cemetery

posted by GriffX at 8:38 PM on November 6, 2001

GriffX: December. This is because FOX HATES US.
posted by kevspace at 9:31 PM on November 6, 2001

stupid me . . . i skipped out on it

The first episode is being rebroadcast Friday at 9.
posted by Zurishaddai at 10:13 PM on November 6, 2001

Didn't see the show, but I have a question for you all.

Are there commercials during 24? If so, how do they handle the missing 12-15 minutes each episode?
posted by Hildago at 10:52 PM on November 6, 2001

For the commercials, they just jumped ahead three minutes into the action.

Hmm, maybe that's when the characters get to use the bathroom...
posted by spinning jennie at 11:09 PM on November 6, 2001

Neat gimick. Interesting story developing. I just can't figure how any of the actors will be able to keep up the intensity needed maintain the excitement. These people will have to be really focused.

One problem I noticed was it only took Kiefer 5 minutes to get to work. I don't think anybody in California live five minutes from work even if you live in your office.
posted by shackbar at 11:20 PM on November 6, 2001

Not only was "24" not new, it violated its advertised premise within the first sixty seconds. The narrator says the viewer is about to witness a drama portrayed in "real time," whereupon KS immediately drives from his suburban home to his LA office in 5-6 on-screen seconds. Uh-huh.

As for other violations, I ran out of fingers counting the number of state and federal laws and constitutional safeguards the "uncompromising" KS managed to break in the first episode -- failing to obtain basic search warrants, violating statutory privacy protections, unlawfully accessing law enforcement data banks for his own personal use (obtaining his daughter's password), to mention a few.

Finally, after a few introductory scenes, "24" broke for a glut of commercials. So where was "real-time" Jack Bauer during the Jack-in-the-Box ads? Was he frozen in time?
posted by tnadeau at 12:58 AM on November 7, 2001

24 rocked... but in taping it I cut off the last minutes of Buffy! AUGH! Spike grabs Buffy out of her manic dance before she can combust, says life is not a song, and-- WHAT?!? What happened then?
posted by Tubes at 1:05 AM on November 7, 2001


He takes her outside and she kisses him. Majorly kisses him. THE END.
posted by toddshot at 1:25 AM on November 7, 2001

It was better than I expected. And, I'm hooked. I was happily surprised they chose to keep a plane being blown up, despite 9/11. Most studio wonks have tripped all over themselves to shelve similar scenes of destruction.
posted by Taken Outtacontext at 6:05 AM on November 7, 2001

Ooops, was that a spoiler. I am SORRY!!
posted by Taken Outtacontext at 6:06 AM on November 7, 2001


Re: the Buffy/Spike kiss...........

I was excited, but why do I feel like this is just another tease by Joss, and he's going to go ahead and pull the rug out from us just like he's done a million times before.

Nevertheless, I was cheering when I finally saw it.
posted by KoPi_42 at 6:28 AM on November 7, 2001

I thought the buffy/spike kiss was incredibly anti-climatic, especially after all the time joss has taken to build tension. Has anyone else gone from really liking Willow (up until late last season) to not liking her so much?
posted by phooey at 6:55 AM on November 7, 2001

"She kisses him."

Hm. Deprived of vamp activity for so long, has Spike's soul grown back like the limb of a starfish? Joss is definately screwing with us somehow.

Where'd the singing demon go? Who really conjured him?

Willow was horrified at Buffy's revelation. Will she change her ways before more of us get to 'not liking her so much?'

24 was great but I wish I'd waited for the encore presentation coming Friday night... I might have gotten the whole Buffy on tape.
posted by Tubes at 7:24 AM on November 7, 2001

I ran out of fingers counting the number of state and federal laws and constitutional safeguards the "uncompromising" KS managed to break in the first episode

Kiefer: So, if I give you a phone number, can you find every Internet password associated with that number?

Agency Geek Girl: I sure can, thanks to Microsoft Passport!
posted by scottandrew at 8:52 AM on November 7, 2001

Hm. Deprived of vamp activity for so long, has Spike's soul grown back like the limb of a starfish? Joss is definately screwing with us somehow.

Agreed. He may be vampirally impotent, but he's still all demon. Something else has got to be brewing there.

Where'd the singing demon go? Who really conjured him?

Xander did it. The demon left when he realized this meant Xander would be his 'queen.' I didn't catch his full motive, though -- something to do with lightening up some tension with Anya? Somebody want to jump in here on this?
posted by Dirjy at 8:59 AM on November 7, 2001

i missed the motive too. but really, if it's something xander does, it won't make sense anyway.

did anyone else notice that the Fashio Nazi was in full swing this episode? tara and will looked just awful.

further buffy spoilers about willow's progression from geek to vicious bitch here.
posted by patricking at 10:33 AM on November 7, 2001

Not only was "24" not new, it violated its advertised premise within the first sixty seconds ... as for other violations, I ran out of fingers counting the number of ... etc.

Hey tnadeau, based on your complaints I did a little research on "24", and discovered something that might account for all these discrepancies. It turns out that "24" is not, in fact, real life, but is actually a tv show. Who knew?

I wish I'd know they were going to re-air "24" before I'd opted to watch it intead of Buffy.
posted by Shadowkeeper at 10:44 AM on November 7, 2001

Buffy won out over 24 for me too. I like Sutherland, but the premise of the show sounded like a blatant publicity ploy, and I knew they wouldn't stick to it realistically. When you remove the "in real time" silliness, it's just another Mission Impossible wanna-be like Alias and The Agency.

I thought the music of the Buffy musical was gonna be corny, and it was, but it was a strange combination of off-broadway campy musical and modern pop tripe. The curious combination was actually enjoyable. I guess sometimes two wrongs do make a right. So how many days before the music is available on CD? Spike's "Rest In Peace" could almost make it on Top 40 radio. I tried to find an mp3 copy of it at Audio Galaxy, but the search is already prohibited.
posted by ZachsMind at 11:34 AM on November 7, 2001

I think the Buffy/Spike kiss was supposed to be anti-climatic in a way. It's not true love or anything at this point (And who knows if Joss decides it should be). I think it was just Buffy desperately needing something to make her feel, and Spike not being able (or not realizing he should, perhaps) say no.

There's gonna be hurt there, I tell ya.

No...the most surprising kiss?

Anyone see the preview for next week?

Anya. And Giles. I had to rewind the tape and make sure I saw what i saw.
posted by Windigo at 6:01 PM on November 7, 2001

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