first day of March will be slightly noisier than most
September 26, 2019 3:47 PM   Subscribe

A short woodworking video: creating a perpetual flip calendar. Author notes the design was derived from diagrams in US patents 1716222 and 1681235.
posted by cortex (12 comments total) 28 users marked this as a favorite
Entire channel is amazing. Thanks, cortex.
posted by Foci for Analysis at 4:09 PM on September 26, 2019

You'll probably see it in the YouTube recommendations, but here's a guy who made one using the same principles that also keeps track of the month and day of the week as well.

And here's a pretty good one made out of cardboard.
posted by straight at 4:33 PM on September 26, 2019 [3 favorites]

I'm very torn between the beauty of an even division of three kinds of wood for the number tiles and wanting to insert a tile that's blank on one side so you could have separate numbers for the 30th and 31st.
posted by straight at 4:34 PM on September 26, 2019 [2 favorites]

Beautiful. Subscribed. Thanks.
posted by RolandOfEld at 5:32 PM on September 26, 2019

That was great. But also: what in the world is the machine at 2:36 and 3:03-- it's like some kind of miter edge stamping monster?
posted by gwint at 5:41 PM on September 26, 2019 [1 favorite]

gwint, I wondered the same thing. It looks to be something like a Morso Model F Mitring Machine. Which would be handy if you made mouldings or picture frames all day.

Picture Frames with Morso Guillotine Cutter
posted by ActingTheGoat at 6:29 PM on September 26, 2019 [4 favorites]

I’m mostly in awe at the freehand typography.
posted by rodlymight at 6:42 PM on September 26, 2019 [6 favorites]

Much like the Primitive Technology guy, make sure you turn on CC.
posted by lazaruslong at 6:44 PM on September 26, 2019 [2 favorites]

also this is flippin rad. subscribed.
posted by lazaruslong at 6:48 PM on September 26, 2019

I'm very torn between the beauty of an even division of three kinds of wood for the number tiles and wanting to insert a tile that's blank on one side so you could have separate numbers for the 30th and 31st.

Adding one more tile makes a total of 16, so you could have an even distribution of four kinds of wood.
posted by obscure simpsons reference at 6:49 PM on September 26, 2019

Actually, maybe you couldn't because you need an odd number of tiles to give them space to move
posted by obscure simpsons reference at 6:52 PM on September 26, 2019 [2 favorites]

Much like the Primitive Technology guy, make sure you turn on CC.

Cortex, you ought to add that note to the main post. Thanks for the tip, lazaruslong.
posted by straight at 7:39 PM on September 26, 2019 [1 favorite]

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