penny arcade
September 28, 2003 2:36 PM   Subscribe

Before there were videogames... an archive of old penny arcade machines.
posted by crunchland (7 comments total)
Great link. Those fortune teller machines reminded me of this great Twilight Zone episode. One of my faves.

posted by davebush at 3:28 PM on September 28, 2003

The Musee Mechanique in San Fransisco had a great collection of these. Does anyone know if they ever found a new home?
posted by electro at 3:50 PM on September 28, 2003

I heard that the Musee Mechanique was moved down to Fisherman's Wharf; which means locals won't be seeing them for awhile.
posted by 2sheets at 3:57 PM on September 28, 2003

Dude, does anyone have the romz? I think Mame 0.72 supports most of these.
posted by Nelson at 3:59 PM on September 28, 2003

This is so cool! There is a restaurant near me called White Fence Farm that has a bunch of these kind of machines in their little museum. I always liked the football games.
posted by SisterHavana at 6:08 PM on September 28, 2003


I used Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum to win over my boyfriend on our first date. The absolute coolest thing there is this huge diorama of a early 1900's(?) farm and it's family build by the man convicted of murdering them. This man(sorry, don't remember his name) spent many years building it while serving time for the murders; it was his repentance. The diorama has over a hundred detailed moving pieces - little 1/2 inch farm family members doing chores, slaves playing banjo and dancing, animals(including a skunk raising it's tail to spray), farm buildings and working equipment - that spring to life for the small activation cost of a quarter. Worth the trip simply for this.
posted by deathofme at 7:53 AM on September 29, 2003

I have been going to the arcade at the Short Sands Beach in York, Maine my entire life and have watched the evolution of arcades from these amazing machines to the early videogames to today's VR games and such.

Even with all the new games, the arcade still has many of their vintage 1930s, 40s and 50s machines in working order. They're tucked away in the back mostly, and are completely ignored by anyone under 35, but it's still a treat for me to play them.
posted by briank at 8:25 AM on September 29, 2003

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