Dylan Thomas Poem Generator
December 31, 2008 3:55 PM   Subscribe

Dylan Thomas, the wonderful Welsh poet, has been mentioned on the blue before. Now the BBC provide a Dylan Thomas Random Poem Generator. Bravo! posted by fcummins (3 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Dylan Thomas? Whoever he was.
posted by munchingzombie at 6:21 PM on December 31, 2008 [1 favorite]

I was ready to hate this idea, but the random poems aren't terrible. Wonder what kind of word set it has to draw from.

Also, what a weird way to display the generator. Reload the page every time? Get some ajax in there man! I was all ready to accuse them on wanting inflated page impressions, but then I don't see any ads. Well, unless the BBC gets money for every load.

I think I loaded the site like 10 time.
posted by cjorgensen at 9:20 PM on December 31, 2008

I was ashamed quickly
By the blush of the publican
Drooping savagely on the lazy girls
On thoughts of horses
Where statues lie proudly
And all the lightgrey birds hang and cover
(took 6 tries)
posted by Artful Codger at 1:26 PM on January 1, 2009

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