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February 3, 2009 9:12 PM   Subscribe

Twitter Chatter During the Super Bowl An interactive link from the New York Times.
posted by jokeefe (22 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I'm surprised there's no mention of "porn" in Arizona.
posted by shii at 9:28 PM on February 3, 2009

It's fun to imagine people saying these in their living rooms.

springsteen springsteen Springsteen SPRINGSTEEN SPRINGSTEEN!!!!
posted by stammer at 9:38 PM on February 3, 2009 [3 favorites]

It seems that at the end of the game, Mike Tomlin was the toast of Idaho.
posted by rebel_rebel at 10:03 PM on February 3, 2009

I was involved in a twitter-review experiment (like a group of 30 live-bloggers) for a big-deal theatrical premiere in Portland, a 4-hour (!) show called Apollo.

Pretty fun snarking -- it was a bloated, only slightly narrative SPECTACLE so plenty to latch on to -- but of course it made it hard to really get immersed in the show. Warning: SPOILERS (as much as possible in this kind of show) Act 1 -- Act 2, maybe best tweets -- Act 3
posted by msalt at 10:23 PM on February 3, 2009

That was cool.
posted by Drainage! at 10:30 PM on February 3, 2009

That was very cool.
I love how everyone was totally stoked on the boss.
posted by The Esteemed Doctor Bunsen Honeydew at 10:38 PM on February 3, 2009

Yeah and ground zero of the Springsteen nova was of course New Jersey!

This is an awesome way to display information, I love the new insights you get from tag clouds and all that, but it still gives me a little bit of uneasy future shock. We sure love watching ourselves watch ourselves watch ourselves, don't we?
posted by arcanecrowbar at 11:04 PM on February 3, 2009

Well, it was only "superbowl related words". They should have done something where people send them @NYT messages or something and then recorded every word. Like with their WORD TRAIN craziness from election night but using twitter rather then a custom site.
posted by delmoi at 11:07 PM on February 3, 2009

It's be nice if one could adjust the playback speed. It was a bit too quick to take everything in on even a few viewings. The SPRINGSTEEN explosion at halftime is what make it for me.
posted by Jawn at 2:03 AM on February 4, 2009

Apparently there is one twitterer in Montana. He saw Springsteen and thought it was awful.
posted by chillmost at 2:39 AM on February 4, 2009

Lao Tzu said: Those who know do not twit, those who twit do not know.

Why must we all talk so much? Do we really have that much to say? We blog and post and email and twit and tweet when we should just put the damned thing down and watch the game.
posted by tommyD at 3:39 AM on February 4, 2009

tommyD: We blog and post and email and twit and tweet when we should just put the damned thing down and watch the game.

The pace of American Football has always been so slow, that I've found it difficult to just watch a game. In my family it was usually paired with a meal, or even better, an after-meal nap.
posted by KirkJobSluder at 4:41 AM on February 4, 2009

They sure do love them some Star Trek in Western New York.
posted by uncleozzy at 5:47 AM on February 4, 2009

> I'm shocked by the lack of misspellings.

Since it's aggregated data, either the misspellings were ignored or were pooled with the correctly spelled terms.
posted by ardgedee at 6:25 AM on February 4, 2009

I found my single message I sent during the game. Does this count as an appearance in the Times?
posted by mikeh at 6:38 AM on February 4, 2009

mikeh: yes.
posted by joecacti at 7:05 AM on February 4, 2009

Great. But here's the thing: no new information. Was there anything surprising about the data presented? Info graphics should use the "graphic" part to show you something you didn't already know. They should reveal. This one doesn't. (PS: I like the Flash, tho. Very pretty.)
posted by MarshallPoe at 7:06 AM on February 4, 2009

cars Steelers Steelers springsteen CROTCH SLIDE football Cardinals
posted by _aa_ at 7:37 AM on February 4, 2009

Seems like an appropriate place to post the new rickroll:

Warning: Rickroll.
posted by Potomac Avenue at 8:47 AM on February 4, 2009 [3 favorites]

Please ask them to track the word "fix" and the name "Rooney".
posted by Zambrano at 9:12 AM on February 4, 2009

Sounds like something for the resume, mikeh.
posted by brundlefly at 9:24 AM on February 4, 2009


I sent that to some people, but they all wanted goofy sound effects.
posted by uncleozzy at 1:05 PM on February 4, 2009

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