"I broke some laws and made a ton of friends"
June 25, 2012 6:12 AM   Subscribe

The Manhattan Project is an HD timelapse short showing off different aspects of life in New York City. [via]
posted by quin (11 comments total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
Very cool. I used to complain about living in Chicago and the city living (even though I was always on the outskirts of downtown). So I dreamed about moving to Arizona with the mountains, etc. Then I started to see the job prospects and realize that essentially it seems like a hot pit. When I visited California last year I realized that yep, growing up in a place like Chicago (or NY) for that matter for 40 years, Arizona or some similar wasteland experience woudl probably be too much of a culture shock. If it weren't for the winters, I would LOVE Chicago.
posted by stormpooper at 6:29 AM on June 25, 2012

That time-lapse is exactly how my self experiences NYC in real-time. The frenetic pace of life there is absolutely nothing for me.
posted by three blind mice at 6:56 AM on June 25, 2012

I went to go see Annie Hall at the Film Forum (in the West Village) yesterday afternoon, and if you've never seen it, it's really, really firmly entrenched in a very specific vision of 1970s NYC. The cars and the fashions and the yellow street signs and the way people relate and so on. And yet all the everyday stuff is still there, too -- waiting on line at the movies, living in dingy apartments, going to parties and so on. When I stepped out into the street after the movie (and right into the Pride festivities) it was like taking a time machine. I figure something like this is what happened outdoors while I was looking for my phone during the credits.
posted by griphus at 7:09 AM on June 25, 2012

Lovely. Though the pale blue flickering of the TVs in the windows of the hotels and apartment buildings is kind of sickly.
posted by stargell at 7:14 AM on June 25, 2012

The yoga in the park (?) was amazing!
posted by Ms. Moonlight at 7:22 AM on June 25, 2012

Though the pale blue flickering of the TVs in the windows of the hotels and apartment buildings is kind of sickly.

Yeah. Needs a few thousand people flinging those windows open, sticking their heads out and screaming "I'M MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!"
posted by flapjax at midnite at 7:24 AM on June 25, 2012 [2 favorites]

That time-lapse is exactly how my self experiences NYC in real-time.

This is nothing like what living in NYC is like. I wouldn't say that the pace of life here is any more frenetic than it is in most any other large city. I've lived here 20 years, and wouldn't say that I experience life as frenetic.
posted by slkinsey at 7:29 AM on June 25, 2012 [1 favorite]

What a great vid. Thanks for sharing.
posted by Mikon6 at 7:48 AM on June 25, 2012

Missing the smell, too. And the humidity.
posted by stargell at 8:14 AM on June 25, 2012

Ahh so that is what it is like out there.
posted by Ad hominem at 8:49 AM on June 25, 2012

A touch of Brooklyn in that Manhattan project.
posted by Obscure Reference at 9:40 AM on June 25, 2012

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