Jean Chretien or, uh, Justin Trudeau?
February 26, 2001 7:49 AM   Subscribe

Jean Chretien or, uh, Justin Trudeau? Psychographics with a Canadian spin (survey).
posted by rodii (12 comments total)
Justin'n'me (and Heather), we're autonomous rebels. But I really want to be a New Aquarian. Waah!
posted by rodii at 7:52 AM on February 26, 2001

Hey, it said I'm an autonomous rebel, too. Maybe that's all it does?

No, wait, I read that wrong. I'm an anonymous gerbil.

But this test said I'm an iNTp, and this test said I'm a "mastermind" like "Dr. Claw, The Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Montgomery Burns."

Oh, my.

posted by pracowity at 8:14 AM on February 26, 2001

Okay, was I the only one who needed to take a shower after this test? I was half expecting a Kiersey Temperment Sorter type of test, but instead was told that I am what I buy.

Matt mentioned the upcoming Frontline episode on marketing to teens. I already saw it yesterday and would recommend a view. The lengths that businesses (most especially trans-national media corporations) would go to sell products are staggeringly frightening. Take the time on Tuesday to watch this show.

By the bye, I tested as a New Aquarian and find myself having absolutely no affinity to the icons mentioned or the words to live by (words by which to live?).

(just saw praco's post; I test as an iNTj though I harbor the belief that all personality tests are bollocks.)
posted by Avogadro at 8:23 AM on February 26, 2001

I'm an Autonomous Post-materialist, and Shawn Fanning is apparently my idol. "Post-materialist"...does that mean I used to have money, but now I don't?
posted by jpoulos at 9:04 AM on February 26, 2001

One of the questions in particular really made me wonder what the frell they were talking about. If you question authority because you were taught to question authority, are you truly questioning authority?
posted by harmful at 9:12 AM on February 26, 2001

I can live with being a New Aquarian, but a boomer?
posted by tranquileye at 9:20 AM on February 26, 2001

> If you question authority because you were
> taught to question authority...

or because it's a cool t-shirt slogan or what all of your buddies are doing. Yeah, it's true. But it's always been so. There are always very few actual rebels in any rebellion; the rest just choose new authorities by following the first few actual rebels.
posted by pracowity at 9:34 AM on February 26, 2001

Myself, I've always been trying not to fit into these personality test stereotypes. But of course, that's probably a test stereotype as well. Doh.
posted by frednorman at 10:15 AM on February 26, 2001

As a New Aquarian, I sure do love that RAtM. Boy, can't get enough. No sir. Not me.

Where do they come up with this? I'm surprised it doesn't link to the bands on Amazon.

As a New Aquarian, it is your responsibility to listen to these artists and read these books. And then think this.

With key values like "Contempt for Traditional Authorities" and "Hedonism" you would think they'd know better than to tell me what I like.
posted by dakotasmith at 11:45 AM on February 26, 2001

Looks like Canada is full of Autonomous Rebels. Whatever happened to the United Empire Loyalists?! (I'm an Autonomous Rebel, too. Anyone fancy a weekend raid into Michigan for some Hershey bars?)
posted by jmcnally at 12:04 PM on February 26, 2001

I am a social hedonist - woohoo! Party in my hot tub tonight! B. Y. O. A(merican chocolate bars).
posted by kristin at 12:17 PM on February 26, 2001

Well, as an Autonomous Post-materialist, I have to go hang with Dennis Rodman and drink some Sprite now (my personal slogan being, apparently, "Image is nothing"). I wholeheartedly second Avogadro's icky sensation after taking this test. My icon is not Eric Cartman, dammit! Now someone go make me some pie...
posted by jess at 5:41 PM on February 26, 2001

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