the deep Vermont funk
October 18, 2010 5:26 PM   Subscribe

Y'know, I never really got into Phish (wiki) but, man, they just sound so good here.
posted by flapjax at midnite (71 comments total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
I don't get it.
posted by hellphish at 5:27 PM on October 18, 2010 [2 favorites]

Like everything involving Phish, it goes on too long.
posted by klangklangston at 5:30 PM on October 18, 2010 [11 favorites]

My toddler bangs on shit and talks nonsense sometimes too.
posted by Mayor Curley at 5:30 PM on October 18, 2010 [4 favorites]

posted by bondcliff at 5:31 PM on October 18, 2010 [1 favorite]

Sorry, I love the "shreds" series on YouTube, but I was just trying to get a jump on the inevitable jokes that come up every time Phish is mentioned.
posted by bondcliff at 5:39 PM on October 18, 2010

Is this an unattributed St Sanders? Or someone lamely copying St Sanders?
posted by The Discredited Ape at 5:40 PM on October 18, 2010 [3 favorites]

I thought this was a gag at first, but the fingering all matches the sound. It reminds me of the Sarah Silverman Program episode where she becomes a fan of a jam band until the drugs wear off. The drugs definitely haven't worn off for that crowd.
posted by Jimmy Havok at 5:45 PM on October 18, 2010 [1 favorite]

It's not as weird as this...
posted by anigbrowl at 5:47 PM on October 18, 2010

This is much like the work of perhaps the greatest band of all time, the Legion of Rock Stars (Previously)
posted by swift at 5:47 PM on October 18, 2010 [1 favorite]

This Kings of Leon one is my favorite in whatever you'd call this genre of replacing the music in live performances.
posted by Corduroy at 5:47 PM on October 18, 2010 [5 favorites]

From the YouTube comments:
Meh. I'm pretty unimpressed with this post.
posted by mosk at 5:48 PM on October 18, 2010 [2 favorites]

No, that was Benoit's fractal that I ate!
posted by localhuman at 5:48 PM on October 18, 2010 [1 favorite]

Is this an unattributed St Sanders?

Thanks for that link, The Discredited Ape. That site is gold. I'd seen some of them before, but didn't know they were all readily available for easy under one convenient URL!

Or someone lamely copying St Sanders?

Can't agree with the "lamely" part (I find that it's really very well done, especially the drum bits: spot on syncing and timing), but hey, different strokes and all.
posted by flapjax at midnite at 5:52 PM on October 18, 2010

for easy viewing under one convenient URL...
posted by flapjax at midnite at 5:53 PM on October 18, 2010

My toddler bangs on shit and talks nonsense sometimes too.

Hey, my KID could do video edits/sound replacement that tight! Sheesh!
posted by flapjax at midnite at 5:56 PM on October 18, 2010

Can't agree with the "lamely" part

You're right, I do apologise. The video is well done, I think I just allowed my fierce, raging contempt for all things Phish to cloud my objectivity.
posted by The Discredited Ape at 5:57 PM on October 18, 2010

It's the synergy, you know?
posted by Durn Bronzefist at 5:57 PM on October 18, 2010

Is this an unattributed St Sanders? Or someone lamely copying St Sanders?

OMG. This stuff is amazing. You just made my month.
posted by Durn Bronzefist at 6:00 PM on October 18, 2010

I want to live in a world where millions of college hippies follow bands around who play music like this.
posted by Joseph Gurl at 6:02 PM on October 18, 2010 [3 favorites]

I love that some people hate Phish so much that even someone making fun of Phish gets them riled up.
posted by danb at 6:08 PM on October 18, 2010 [14 favorites]

... Ween?
posted by ph00dz at 6:09 PM on October 18, 2010 [2 favorites]

You need a bun to bite, Benny Lava!
(see also Buffalax's YT channel)
posted by not_on_display at 6:11 PM on October 18, 2010

Holy shit that Kings of Leon one is amazing. Especially in the little headshakes of disapproval the singer seems to be giving in the beginning when the band just seems to be vaguely off on their timing.
posted by Navelgazer at 6:18 PM on October 18, 2010

Were you high when you posted this?

No judgment. Just curious.
posted by Joe Beese at 6:29 PM on October 18, 2010

Were you high when you posted this?

Um, Joe... am I to understand that we can count you along with Mayor Curley among the folks who... don't get the joke?
posted by flapjax at midnite at 6:34 PM on October 18, 2010

Were you high when you posted this?

Somehow I doubt it.
posted by morganannie at 6:36 PM on October 18, 2010

Laugh all you want, but before this YouTube meme existed, bands did indeed have occasional on-stage meltdowns. Something like this actually happened to Van Halen, when their sound tech accidentally played the backing track at 48KHz instead of 44.1.

The band stupidly chose to go along with it, and finished the song. The whole thing is completely off time and out of pitch.

And, I suppose that's what you get for firing your keyboardist when the lead part of your band's most popular song is played on a synth.
posted by schmod at 6:44 PM on October 18, 2010 [2 favorites]

Wait, what? EVH played those keyboard parts.
posted by mintcake! at 6:48 PM on October 18, 2010

Sigh. Vermont is more than just filthy hippies, you know. Not everyone goes to UVM.
posted by maryr at 6:50 PM on October 18, 2010 [1 favorite]

flaps was dreaming when he wrote this
forgive him if it isn't Creed
then Joe Beese showed up
and asked if he was smoking weed

the crowd was all tripping
there were people puking everywhere
Trey couldn't find his fractal
'cause I hid it in his pubic hair

'cuz they say flapjax don't smoke the ganja
but I've seen him drinking anisette
and if I see any more Phish I'll
take some time off from the internet
posted by mintcake! at 6:57 PM on October 18, 2010 [2 favorites]

Oh, I get it. It's like Pomplamoose's "Videosongs," in that what you see is what you hear.

Someone should do this to a video of a symphony orchestra.....(I almost never like how those are edited - seems ripe for parody!)
posted by Thomas Tallis is my Homeboy at 7:03 PM on October 18, 2010

Slipknot Shreds is my favorite.
posted by inqb8tr at 7:03 PM on October 18, 2010

Oh my. I know a few fans of Phish that will be getting this sent to them. This warms my heart.
posted by docpops at 7:06 PM on October 18, 2010

I'm getting that this is busting on Phish but I'm not really seeing why it's all that funny.
posted by octothorpe at 7:21 PM on October 18, 2010

The day that I was hired at Kenny's Castaways, Phish was playing. I was a very nervous young bouncer that would have to start working the next day. After talking to Bobby Breiter, who would not only be my my boss, but eventually my close friend, I decided to take a table in the back of the bar and have a drink. Near the stage.

I was actually pretty impressed with the younger version of Phish. I liked the name, and I thought that they did a pretty good imitation of the Grateful Dead, at the time. I honestly thought they were a cover band. The waitress told me that I couldn't sit at the tables if I didn't buy a drink, so I started to drink. A lot. I sat through both of their sets and eventually ran up a rather large bill.

The changes that they rang in that small space, with minimal equipment, amazed me.

After they finished their last set I went up to the singer, I don't remember any names. I just wanted to thank them for an incredible experience.

The waitress came up and grabbed me. The dude in front said, no. Let him come up.

So I said something about them being incredible and I'd like to see them again. And something about the future.

Then Bobby came up and pulled me aside. He said, "Dude, don't fuck with the talent. Not until you actually work here." Then he laughed and introduced me to the waitress, LeAnne.

I almost got to talk to Phish. But I was drunk and silly.

It seems that they have done well for themselves.

I wish I got to talk to them though.

Oh well...
posted by Splunge at 7:28 PM on October 18, 2010 [3 favorites]

There are parts in the original song that are functionally identical to the spoof. Especially towards the end and they start... noodling. And mumbling.

Granted I have no room to throw stones considering I like music made for high robots by high robots.
posted by loquacious at 7:46 PM on October 18, 2010 [2 favorites]

that;s funny, just saw this the other day off the burning man forums.

for anyone looking for hilarity as a phish fan is ripped to shreds, please click here!
posted by mannequito at 7:57 PM on October 18, 2010

I have a gay male friend who bears a striking resemblance to Phish phrontman Trey Anastasio*. As to whether this has made him a cult item in some obscure homosexualist neo-hippie underground, the jury is still out. Of course, my pal is more into show tunes (really!) so he'd be ill-equipped anyway.

*really, it's uncanny. he came with me to the MeFi 10th NYC party and was swing danced (swung danced?) with a female mefite. I also brought a straight male friend, and his picture on flickr from the party got a hubba-hubba or words to that effect from a gay mefite. It's a wacky world.
posted by jonmc at 7:58 PM on October 18, 2010

I feel like the St. Sanders ones are so much better because there is a lot of care taken to get the atmosphere of the venue correct. This is a video of Phish at a huge outdoor concert and all the sound is very obviously in a studio.
posted by solmyjuice at 8:04 PM on October 18, 2010

Wow. This is the first time I ever clicked on a Phish tune. I must be missing something. Like their whole history. I will refrain from saying Your Favorite Band Sucks because they must obviously be going through some kind of solipsistic/nihilistic phase. I understand they are talented musicians.
posted by kozad at 8:14 PM on October 18, 2010

My favorite replaced-sound video is the smooth jazz version of Enter Sandman (with the original vocals). Really expertly done.
posted by dfan at 8:32 PM on October 18, 2010 [10 favorites]

Thanks for this -- it made my day. I've been following the Shredder guy off an on from the beginning, though I hadn't seen this one yet. His editing is getting better & better. I work with a Phish fan who hogs the iPod jack in production 9 days out of 10, & this is pretty much how my brain filters them as it is. Amongst the other shreddees, I'm especially fond of the Ozzy & Jake E. Lee one.
posted by Devils Rancher at 8:35 PM on October 18, 2010

what this isnt country joe and the fish i don't get it.
posted by not_on_display at 8:43 PM on October 18, 2010

I must be missing something

You are.
posted by auto-correct at 8:44 PM on October 18, 2010

I really enjoy Phish, or at least I went through a period in my life of really enjoying Phish, and still think they are some pretty incredible musicians. Still wear the t-shirt sometimes.

Anyway, this video is fucking awesome, and the MeFi thread where people are either not quite getting it or are giving really, really solid impressions of not getting it is even better.
posted by brennen at 8:45 PM on October 18, 2010 [1 favorite]

My favorite replaced-sound video is the smooth jazz version of Enter Sandman (with the original vocals). Really expertly done.

Man, Sam Prekop sounds so angry!
posted by en forme de poire at 8:46 PM on October 18, 2010 [3 favorites]

smooth jazz version of Enter Sandman

Holy crap. That is spectacular!
posted by biscotti at 8:47 PM on October 18, 2010

This Sigur Ros one is brilliant in its minimalism.
posted by gottabefunky at 8:56 PM on October 18, 2010

Why are these so damn funny?! I am crying...literally, just like I do at all of them. It never gets old!
posted by wsg at 9:06 PM on October 18, 2010 [2 favorites]

Sigh. Vermont is more than just filthy hippies, you know. Not everyone goes to UVM.

Sigh. UVM is more than just filthy hippies, you know. Not everyone lives in Slade.
posted by papayaninja at 9:14 PM on October 18, 2010 [1 favorite]

I work with a Phish fan who hogs the iPod jack in production 9 days out of 10

I used to dorm (4 in a room) with a Deadhead who thought all we needed to be converted was to hear a few more live tapes. Fortunately I had a louder stereo and a decent collection of punk and industrial.
posted by Jimmy Havok at 9:22 PM on October 18, 2010 [4 favorites]

Pfft. I'm telling you, this is only the second-best time they've ever played this song. It was better the next night.
posted by koeselitz at 9:23 PM on October 18, 2010 [2 favorites]

"I want to live in a world where millions of college hippies follow bands around who play music like this."

Just throw on some US Maple. No need for hippies.
posted by bardic at 9:49 PM on October 18, 2010 [3 favorites]

I wish I could link to the hilarious spoof of Danzig's "Mother", but apparently, I'm not allowed to listen to it anymore because I am in America, and I presume most of you are also in America. Thanks, YouTube, for killing the laughter.
posted by Dreamcast at 9:51 PM on October 18, 2010

I love Phish. And I love this post.

I'm seeing four shows in a row, starting this weekend, something I've never done before. Probably will not be on drugs, just enjoying some great music.
posted by abc123xyzinfinity at 9:57 PM on October 18, 2010 [2 favorites]

I don't get it.

I don't know. I saw them on that tour and that's pretty much what I remember them sounding like. Of course, I was snorting a lot of horse tranquilizer in those days.
posted by philip-random at 11:19 PM on October 18, 2010

short of, you know, preventing teen suicide, this is Best of Web
posted by victors at 11:47 PM on October 18, 2010

After reading a metatalk thread yesterday, my interest was spiked and I started browing through pre-2001 metafilter posts, and there was one about Phish and it made me smile.

Also found: matt talking about how amazing it would be if MP3 cd's could be played in cars, how annoying it is when your cellphone antenna jabbed into your leg whilst trying to sit and apple trying to rebrand itself.

Ah, pre iPod days.
posted by addelburgh at 12:14 AM on October 19, 2010

The only thing missing is some really intense whooshing sounds every time the camera swings wildly around the piano. (And the illusion would be that much more believable if the drum sounds were real).
posted by eric1halfb at 12:52 AM on October 19, 2010

In the Legions of Rock site mentioned uplist I found this sad news:

Founding member of ELO killed in freak accident as giant runaway hay bale smashes into his van

posted by chavenet at 3:31 AM on October 19, 2010

Ooh, is the "shreds" meme back again?

We'd better have the daddy of 'em all, then.
posted by Decani at 4:13 AM on October 19, 2010

I get the gag, it's just not funny. Different strokes I guess.
posted by Jubey at 5:10 AM on October 19, 2010

Sigh. Vermont is more than just filthy hippies, you know. Not everyone goes to UVM.

Sigh. UVM is more than just filthy hippies, you know. Not everyone lives in Slade.

Um, UVM actually is mostly just filthy hippies.

Class of '98, bro!
posted by brand-gnu at 7:06 AM on October 19, 2010

When I saw"Shreds IT" in the title and listened to the clip, I totally thought IT meant information technology, then I started thinking this was a tribute to Initech and Milton (from Office Space). This shred should have picked up that ball and gone the extra mile.
posted by crapmatic at 7:32 AM on October 19, 2010

schmod: “Laugh all you want, but before this YouTube meme existed, bands did indeed have occasional on-stage meltdowns. Something like this actually happened to Van Halen, when their sound tech accidentally played the backing track at 48KHz instead of 44.1. The band stupidly chose to go along with it, and finished the song. The whole thing is completely off time and out of pitch.”

I love this video so much. My favorite part about it is the fact that it exposes Eddie Van Halen as the shit guitarist he really is. What, you can't change keys? Jesus.
posted by koeselitz at 7:40 AM on October 19, 2010

crapmatic - I thought it sounded a lot like Moss from The IT Crowd in slomo.
posted by maryr at 9:12 AM on October 19, 2010

Used to be in a band with a hotshot mandolinist. (I preferred it when he played didgeridoo, actually). He wanted to be the Jimi Hendrix of the mandolin and tended to jam wildly regardless of context (sometimes playing right through song breaks without noticing that the rest of us had finished playing).

Once, after ages of everyone in the band retuning again and again, we insisted that he was the one out of tune.

He protested, "but I tuned to Phish! Phish is never out of tune!"

I wish I was still in touch with the guy so I could send him this.
posted by Erroneous at 11:05 AM on October 19, 2010 [1 favorite]

Um, UVM actually is mostly just filthy hippies.

Class of '98, bro!

Filthy hippies are differently represented in the classes of 2011, '12, '13 and '14, it seems. They're still here, but it takes effort, and, like I said, a trip to Slade.
posted by papayaninja at 2:50 PM on October 19, 2010

That Van Halen clip was absolutely precious. It made me think of so many wanna-be pop metal bands I've seen playing at my hometown's summer fairs, not rocking at all behind a tone deaf singer in spandex.
posted by Jimmy Havok at 7:53 PM on October 19, 2010

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