Like that coffee shop you can't write in anymore, but quieter
January 16, 2022 1:31 PM   Subscribe

Writers often toil in solitude. Here's a place we can gather, whether to write silently in the Studio or talk about books and writing in the Lounge. The 24-Hour Room is a free virtual writers space offering fellowship, structure, solutions, motivation and intellectual sustenance.

An open invitation from founder Elizabeth Gaffney :
The 24-Hour Room is a growing community of writers that launched on January 20, 2021. I created it out of a combination of desperation, weariness from ten months of isolation, and hope. Writers often toil in solitude, but they also gather — at readings, classes, writers rooms, colonies — an act we've not been able to engage in since last winter. Our need for community is greater than ever in this period of turmoil, pandemic and lockdown.

The 24-Hour Room is a place writers can come together without masks, whether to write silently in the Studio or talk about books and writing in the Lounge, our our-loud space. It offers fellowship, structure, solutions, motivation, and intellectual sustenance to writers at all levels. You might use it as an accountability group, but there are no external obligations, only opportunities. Show up when you want. Feel free to join gathering in the Lounge and share on the bulletin boards —or not to.
posted by youarenothere (5 comments total) 38 users marked this as a favorite
Oh my, this could be very good and helpful! Thanks for this. Does anyone have any experience with it to share?
posted by storybored at 2:08 PM on January 16, 2022 [1 favorite]

Ooh! For awhile last year, I was meeting up with a small group through Meetup to write together over Zoom, and it was surprisingly effective. That group fell apart, and I've been vaguely wanting something like it back. Thanks for the info.
posted by Well I never at 2:19 PM on January 16, 2022

Thank you; I just signed up. This will be very valuable for me.
posted by spinifex23 at 6:42 PM on January 16, 2022 [2 favorites]

I signed up too, thanks! Maybe see y'all there!
posted by overglow at 8:58 PM on January 16, 2022 [1 favorite]

...Is it scary? Is it intimidating?

It looks like it's not supposed to be intimidating, but sometimes those are the sorts of things that, in practice, are the most intimidating!
posted by meese at 8:42 AM on January 17, 2022

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