Who Ordered Room Service?
February 25, 2005 10:53 AM   Subscribe

Who Ordered Room Service? What do Bryan Adams and puke have in common? This video, which is quite possibly the strangest piece of viral marketing that I've ever seen.
posted by amandaudoff (36 comments total)
Wow. Edgy.
posted by felix betachat at 11:02 AM on February 25, 2005

That server will be going down in 3...2...1...
posted by spock at 11:03 AM on February 25, 2005


Once again. Canada must apologize for Brian Adams.

When will it stop I ask? WHEN?
posted by Rusty Iron at 11:05 AM on February 25, 2005

posted by amandaudoff at 12:53 PM CST

“Thinking about you”; sure you were, as you posted this at the perfect timing…{{{Lunch time}}}
Uneaten tuna fish sandwich up for grabs, add nicely toasted, anyone? ;P
posted by thomcatspike at 11:11 AM on February 25, 2005

When will it stop I ask? WHEN?

I think it will take a few generations to forget. 60 years later, people still associate Germany with naziism. But it will fade, eventually. Canada's atrocity will be forgotten, too. But not by the grandchildren of anyone alive when "Summer of '69" was cruelly released.
posted by Mayor Curley at 11:13 AM on February 25, 2005

Tis a lovely thing. From the same nice kids who brought us Pleasure Boat Captains for Truth, Lie Girls, and Dannybot.
posted by MaxVonCretin at 11:13 AM on February 25, 2005

It's not really viral marketing if it's fake viral marketing, designed to undermine the career of Bryan Adams by pretending to be his marketing, though if it begins to have the reverse effect...
posted by RJ Reynolds at 11:13 AM on February 25, 2005

Wow. That blew.
posted by psmealey at 11:14 AM on February 25, 2005

If Bryan Adams were actually Canada's worst musical atrocity, we'd be much better off.
posted by The Card Cheat at 11:15 AM on February 25, 2005

Mayor Curley: "Canada's atrocity will be forgotten, too. But not by the grandchildren of anyone alive when "Summer of '69" was cruelly released."

Interestingly, Bryan Adams himself was only ten years old in the summer of '69.
posted by koeselitz at 11:16 AM on February 25, 2005

*********** IT'S A HOAX ***********
posted by winston at 11:17 AM on February 25, 2005

I agree with RJ. The release date of the album was Sept. of last year. The domain name wasn't purchased until early this month (Feb. 2005) and was only purchased for a one year term. Circumstantial evidence, but I think it is a joke. Source code on the pages also reveals this guy's site where he brags about ruining viral marketing.
posted by spock at 11:24 AM on February 25, 2005

Would be interesting to know how many sales of the album have been driven by the hoax video.
posted by spock at 11:27 AM on February 25, 2005

From winston's link above:

Some say the phony ads undermine the very future of legitimate "viral" marketing — one of the hottest trends in advertising.

I think they put the quotes in the wrong place:

legitimate "viral" marketing, or
"legitimate" viral marketing?
posted by Bugbread at 11:30 AM on February 25, 2005

my theory is that the vomiting part is just a diversionary tactic to distract you from the mindboggling idea that people have sex while listening to this guy. the idea is that you say "no way is someone going to vomit like that" and you subconscious implicitly accepts the rest of the video as normal.
posted by andrew cooke at 11:41 AM on February 25, 2005

the vomiting part is just a diversionary tactic to distract you from the mindboggling idea that people have sex while listening to this guy.
or it really makes people vomit. Being told I look like him(see no resemblance myself), my initial reaction is to pause wondering is this good or bad - then I feel compel to vomit which I’ll mimic.
posted by thomcatspike at 11:50 AM on February 25, 2005

What do Bryan Adams and puke have in common?
You can find both of them near the kiddy rides at the county fair?
posted by underer at 11:56 AM on February 25, 2005

What. The. Fuck.

That just sucked. Sorry.
posted by elwoodwiles at 12:03 PM on February 25, 2005

That was the weirdest damn thing I've seen in weeks, and I just got done wading through that "Hotel" flash site posted elsewhere in these spaces. However, this was way, way more pointless.
WTF did the waiter say after vomiting? Sounded like "That was David Petty!"
posted by BigLankyBastard at 12:09 PM on February 25, 2005

I must be the only one who thought something different when he said "I did it for you" with gooey white stuff on his chin.

/didn't look like puke, kay?
posted by OpinioNate at 12:14 PM on February 25, 2005

That was hella stupid. Who gives a shit if it's a hoax.
posted by fungible at 12:37 PM on February 25, 2005

I would reccommend a totally differnt album named Room Service, from 4 years back.
posted by MrLint at 12:42 PM on February 25, 2005

Stupid and not worth watching.
posted by ticopelp at 2:36 PM on February 25, 2005

Y'know while Bryan Adams has produced his share of dreck, he's also proven himself capable of making the occasional nifty pop-rock song like "Take Me Back," "It's Only Love," and yes "Summer Of '69."

Which is more than I can say for the bespectacled dweeb with the similar name.

(feels good to get that off my chest. surely you all saw this coming)
posted by jonmc at 2:55 PM on February 25, 2005

For what it's worth, I never claimed it was good. Just strange. Very, very strange. Too bad it was a hoax, though. I probably should have done a bit more research pre-posting. Ah, well. Any joke at the expense of Bryan Adams is a joke worth making.

On preview: For the most part, I agree with you, jonmc, but "Come Pick Me Up" is a fucking fantastic song. (I'm assuming that you are talking about the equally strange Ryan Adams.)
posted by amandaudoff at 2:59 PM on February 25, 2005

amanda, I love me some alt.country so I tried to like Whiskeytown and Ryan Adams, I really did, but he just sounds so listless and momentum-free. And I saw him interviewed on Charlie Rose and he came off as very full of himself and pretentious.

Bryan, on the other hand, is just a pop craftsman and a good one. Reaching for "greatness," is admirable and all that shit, but when it comes to listenablity, succeding at modest goals is often better than reaching for the stars and failing miserably.
posted by jonmc at 3:05 PM on February 25, 2005

I totally agree with you on the pretentiousness. He's an ass. I just really like that one song. Admittedly, it does have a certain moment in my life attached to it, so I could be a bit biased.

I still hate Bryan Adams, though. :)
posted by amandaudoff at 3:16 PM on February 25, 2005

I still hate Bryan Adams, though. :)

Crank up "Take Me Back," after drinking several beers. That'll turn you around. ;)
posted by jonmc at 3:21 PM on February 25, 2005

I'm sorry, but Ryan Adams wrote some great songs.. Nothing recently, granted, but "Midway Park," "Drank Like A River," "16 Days," even "Firecracker" are all fucking amazing songs.

And I even dig "Summer of 69." Oops, there went my hipster cred.
posted by keswick at 4:42 PM on February 25, 2005

I like several Bryan Adams songs. Reckless was a pretty damn good album actually. One Night Love Affair, Its Only Love, Summer of 69, Somebody, Run to You. I like all of those songs pretty well. Cuts Like a Knife.... well, the title track appeals to me if I am in the right mood and I like Take Me Back. The rest is shite, IIRC.

I like a lot of the songs on Waking up the Neighbours as well, but I think that is more due to the time period in which it came out.

Everything after that, I hate hate hate. Possibly because it was worse than the rest of his stuff, possibly because I was no longer in my early teens when I first heard it. =)
posted by weretable and the undead chairs at 5:15 PM on February 25, 2005

I like Summer of 69 and Run To You. Possibly more, I've never really looked into it. Wouldn't buy an album, but there's a lot worse swill in the world.

'Course, I don't really know about anything past that, because that's pretty much when I stopped listening to the radio.
posted by Bugbread at 6:22 PM on February 25, 2005

Damn... Next thing you know.. someone will be defending Phil Collins' stuff after he left Genesis... /Barf

But that's already been done this week...
posted by Balisong at 7:02 PM on February 25, 2005

i don't think vomit is funny.
posted by glenwood at 7:27 PM on February 25, 2005

Defend Phil? Hmm. He had some good solo stuff but it was probably all while he was still doing the Genesis thing too. =P
posted by weretable and the undead chairs at 7:32 PM on February 25, 2005

Some say the phony ads undermine the very future of legitimate "viral" marketing — one of the hottest trends in advertising.

"If we start getting our e-mail boxes filled with huckster ads, then what do you do as an audience member? You filter them all out," said Ken Wong, a marketing professor at Queen's University School of Business.

Won't somebody think of the herbal \/146r4 salesmen?
posted by swell at 8:49 PM on February 25, 2005

Damn... Next thing you know.. someone will be defending Phil Collins' stuff after he left Genesis...

Dude, I was actually thinking of doing a weekly music blog called "jonmc defends the indefensible." Because, once you reach a certain age the idea of "cred" is revealed for the sham it is.
posted by jonmc at 10:14 PM on February 25, 2005

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