Wont somebody think of the vultures
January 30, 2006 8:03 PM   Subscribe

Of some concern large carrion luggage
posted by longsleeves (11 comments total)
but will it fit in the overhead compartment? :-)
posted by quonsar at 8:05 PM on January 30, 2006

Vultures evolved a long featherless neck in order to reach deep inside through small holes. Logically, this means that in the distant past untold thousands of birds have died because they had their head stuck up a corpse's arse. Evolution is a cruel mistress.
posted by Protocols of the Elders of Awesome at 8:12 PM on January 30, 2006

I thought featherless heads was a result of them being carrion birds and those with feathers on their heads were more likely to catch/retain stuff that would be detrimental to their health.
posted by furtive at 8:16 PM on January 30, 2006

Hence a lack of vultures with full heads of feathers ;-)
posted by furtive at 8:16 PM on January 30, 2006

just out of curiosity, what the hell does the link and text have to do with the content of the article?
posted by delmoi at 9:55 PM on January 30, 2006

carrion folks, carrion
posted by stirfry at 10:00 PM on January 30, 2006

When I was visiting the local wildlife refuge, I was told that vultures will use projectile vomit as a defense mechanism.
posted by Gator at 10:15 PM on January 30, 2006

Not so good for the Parsees either.
posted by tellurian at 10:50 PM on January 30, 2006

just out of curiosity, what the hell does the link and text have to do with the content of the article?

Carrion is rotting flesh, not a type of bird. So I give you 5/10, longsleeves.
posted by uncanny hengeman at 10:52 PM on January 30, 2006 [1 favorite]

Gosh, this seems to be so general and simple minded considering the mass problems with disease and cruelty in the black-market exotic bird trade. yawn, sigh
posted by Viomeda at 11:17 PM on January 30, 2006

I give you 5/10, longsleeves.

I accept your 5/10 rating, and reduce it humbly to 1/2.
posted by longsleeves at 6:06 PM on January 31, 2006

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