Now, You're Thinking With Portals
April 9, 2011 8:29 AM   Subscribe

Portal 2 is coming out in a couple of days, and Valve's marketing team has been busy. They've released some Aperture Science promotional videos. There's a new web comic. And an alternate reality game with clues spread across a lot of indie games on steam.
posted by empath (8 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: portal tag is your friend -- jessamyn

More like a week and a couple of days.
posted by The Thnikkaman at 8:37 AM on April 9, 2011

posted by empath at 8:38 AM on April 9, 2011 [3 favorites]

There's a honest-to-God roadside billboard advertising this game not too far down the road from me.
posted by Cyrano at 8:41 AM on April 9, 2011

From three days ago.
posted by fungible at 8:42 AM on April 9, 2011

Well shit. I guess we can close this puppy up, then. How did we not share any links in common?
posted by empath at 8:44 AM on April 9, 2011

Portal is awesome.
Posts that are basically ads for upcoming commercial products, especially when they already have a big enough marketing department, are not awesome.
posted by DU at 8:58 AM on April 9, 2011

Posts that are basically ads for upcoming commercial products, especially when they already have a big enough marketing department, are not awesome.

Eh, I don't think that's fair and I don't agree. I don't think it's a black and white rule like that.
posted by kbanas at 9:01 AM on April 9, 2011

This post was not exactly a triumph.
posted by The Winsome Parker Lewis at 9:02 AM on April 9, 2011

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