How to Disappoint Your Absent Father in 20 Words or Less
July 17, 2011 3:49 AM   Subscribe

This post was deleted for the following reason: previously -- jessamyn

posted by p3on at 3:52 AM on July 17, 2011

posted by nasreddin at 3:53 AM on July 17, 2011

posted by dabitch at 4:01 AM on July 17, 2011

Thanks for posting nasreddin, I'd missed it the first time around.
posted by arcticseal at 4:11 AM on July 17, 2011

Double Dutch
posted by dabitch at 4:25 AM on July 17, 2011 [1 favorite]

I missed it the first time around too, so thanks. Plus, I haven't seen the red deletion thing yet either, so I'm sticking around for that. Double thanks!
posted by amy lecteur at 5:10 AM on July 17, 2011 [1 favorite]

Pleasant breakfast read. Made for ?a sad smile? at times.
posted by buzzman at 5:16 AM on July 17, 2011

My father is a white girl and I am a twin. AMA.
posted by twoleftfeet at 5:18 AM on July 17, 2011

My Father Is an African Immigrant and My Mother Is a White Girl from Kansas and I Am Not the President of the United States

I, too, would be disappointed if my son showed no ambition to become the president of the USA.
posted by daniel_charms at 5:35 AM on July 17, 2011

Actually, to me that would indicate he had a keen understanding of just how crappy the job is.
posted by GrammarMoses at 5:50 AM on July 17, 2011 [2 favorites]

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