Pssssst! Hey buddy! Wanna buy some crystals?
October 31, 2011 5:05 PM   Subscribe

CueCat died but seems it's revived ? So, just wondering, I know CueCat got smacked, baked, fried and eaten alive - and Digitigal Convergence when the way of vapor. But seems scanning by consumers has taken off HUGE. CueCat was ahead of its time a full ten years by my reckoning. At least they got out scanners, but how cool is it that you can use your other devices and smart phone? Had no idea. And look at the article 12,000,000 red laser donwloads and somewhere I read about 60,000,000 scan apps downloaded worldwide? Wow. Were any of these scan apps guys the founders or CTO of these new app companies? I know that Jovan guy still is in all the patents for this scanning stuff. Anyone use any of these? I even saw an article where some guy is putting barcodes on top of buildings and then they get embedded in Google earth and you can then cap pic with smart phone an go there? BTW, saw CueCats on ebay for 9 bucks and some guy sold his un opened Forbes or Time kit, I am not sure which as a tech collectors item for $50 bucks. Whew, wish I would of kept mine. Funny thing though Gizmodo blasted that Cat bar code scanner as worst idea and then year later hails bar code scanning apps for consumers. LOL get it straight guys. Now just need a OWS fellow to start throwing their old CueCats at cops. LOL
posted by Tech Historian (3 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Hey, buddy, it sure looks like you're actually "that Jovan guy" and this is really weird and not an okay use of Metafilter. -- cortex

CueCat died and I think it won't be long until this FPP does the same.
posted by Effigy2000 at 5:09 PM on October 31, 2011

posted by troll at 5:09 PM on October 31, 2011

Have you ever considered getting some coupons for orange juice?
posted by Dormant Gorilla at 5:09 PM on October 31, 2011 [3 favorites]

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