Local webdeveloper.
February 15, 2012 12:42 PM   Subscribe

One of the funniest job ads I've ever seen. "We're currently arguing over whether your first assignment will be to take The Ring to Mordor, or to rework the customer facing site UI. Several of us agree that poisoned paralysis, starvation, and abuse are the normal state of affairs for front end programmers, so there's little to recommend either task. Others feel that you should be tested before being given an important assignment, and thus favor your immediate departure from the Shire. "... And it goes on and on. I'd apply but don't have the web skills myself.
posted by aleph (2 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Eh, no big deal but one-off craigslist posts are on the thin side for the front page of Metafilter. -- cortex

Isn't that "cute."
posted by rusty at 12:46 PM on February 15, 2012

There's an old NatGeo special about cattle farmers in South America which pertains quite closely to the position we have for you. The ranchers must get the herd to market, crossing piranha infested streams along the way. To limit losses, they select one of the herd, take it upstream, and push it in. If there are no piranha, the cow swims across and the herd is led to join it. If there *are* piranha, they attack the sacrificial animal and the herd can cross below while the fish are occupied. As low person on the development totem pole, you will be our designated "upstream cow."

A fine metaphor for many jobs I have heard about and a few I have held.
posted by ricochet biscuit at 12:49 PM on February 15, 2012

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