Joseph Kony is Not In Uganda, And Other Complicated Things
March 7, 2012 7:48 PM   Subscribe

On the LRA and the #StopKony campaign: Joseph Kony is Not In Uganda, And Other Complicated Things
posted by dunkadunc (3 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Yeah, definitely better off in the existing thread. -- restless_nomad

this goes in existing thread, if it isn't there already
(see, I can write deletion reasons too)
posted by oneswellfoop at 7:58 PM on March 7, 2012

This probably should be inside yesterday's Kony post.
posted by birdherder at 7:58 PM on March 7, 2012

Boo. Delete away?
posted by dunkadunc at 8:02 PM on March 7, 2012

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