May 17, 2012 1:27 PM   Subscribe

Imagine that you’re a protestor, and that you go all over the country to fight for the causes you believe in (let’s say it’s a third world country like India)… so you get bruised a bit, a little exhausted, and maybe even battered. And if that’s not enough, the police come and start dragging you by the hair, in the middle of the night, and all you’re left with is someone’s hand running down your back (if it’s not your front). Okay… now imagine that while all of this is going on… you’re a woman.

What is even more incredible in these kinds of scenarios, over here at least, is that some of the bystanders choose to take advantage of the situation and basically join in the melee and molest these women—without having any fear of lawful retribution, since there’s no one there to stop them anyway. Where are the cops you may ask while all of this is going on… oh, they’re around, somewhere… doing something rather important I assume.

And it doesn’t matter which rung of the Socio-economic ladder you’re on; you’ll get accosted, sooner or later, sadly—you can count on that.
posted by hadjiboy (2 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: This is weird, probably better for a personal blog instead of here. -- mathowie

Isn't this the same here?
posted by stormpooper at 1:30 PM on May 17, 2012

What's with the dramatic "imagine you're a woman"? Did you not expect women to read this?
posted by milk white peacock at 1:32 PM on May 17, 2012 [3 favorites]

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