Amante del Infierno: Worst Boyfriend Ever!
July 8, 2012 3:16 PM   Subscribe

With the Mexican presidential election over, accusations of massive and blatant electoral fraud are already flying. The PRI has once again claimed the presidency after a 12 year break in its power and former mayor of Mexico City, Andrés Manuel López Obrador and his supporters are crying foul and launching demonstrations. So what's different this time? Well, for starters the actress wife of winning candidate Enrique Peña Nieto isn't the only thing bringing a bit of the telenovela to the presidency. According to an excellent blog post at Wonkette, Nieto is not only a serial cheater with a taste for men, but when paramours become less than discreet, bad stuff happens. Real bad stuff.
posted by jake1 (6 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: It seems like there's a story here but this is not a collection of articles and framing that is going to lead to a decent thread. -- restless_nomad

So in Canada you say something nasty on Twitter and it's the end of your political career. In the US, if the press photographs you on a yacht with your mistress you'll never be President. But in Mexico you can be accused of infidelities with both sexes, put your wife in the hospital a couple of times, live a life that's surrounded by explosions and murder - and become the popular choice for President.
posted by Kevin Street at 3:41 PM on July 8, 2012

Wow is that wonkette article terrible. I'm not really sure what to make of whatever is going on in Mexico, but of the many potential responses to the possibility that their President-Elect is a serial domestic abuser who murdered a previous wife, hur hur lets get some popcorn and hey did you hear that he is gay? is certainly not the right one.
posted by Blasdelb at 3:42 PM on July 8, 2012 [3 favorites]

I like how the gift cards were supposed to be 500 pesos (about $37.50US) but when people went to use them they learned they were only 100 pesos (about $7.50US) . So you have people crying foul that the PRI used gift cards to buy votes and then you have people who we OK with selling their votes pissed off they didn't get the amount they were promised.

My favorite Wonkette headline was last week's "Mexico Elects Sarah Palin President".

I remember being in Mexico City in 2006 after the election when Obrador's supporters occupied the city literally camping out in the Zocalo and along major thoroughfares around the city. I remember thinking after the "irregularities" in the 2000 US election as a nation we went "meh" but in Mexico people took the the streets. The taxistas I talked to supported Obrador but were pissed that the streets were blocked off making getting across town and making money hard on them. Alas, in the northern states of Mexico Calderón was popular and ended up taking the presidency.

I find following Mexican politics a great diversion to take my mind off endless US election cycle. Can it be November yet?
posted by birdherder at 3:45 PM on July 8, 2012

Wow is that wonkette article terrible.

No kidding. I'm still sitting in gape-mouthed disbelief at the sentence: "But when she refused, he got his best buddies in the Mexican press to give him some TeeVee time so he could ‘splain his infidelities and preempt any bad press he might get from her revelations."

Would they really have used a Ricky Ricardo-ism for any reason other than the guy has Spanish as his mother tongue?

Sometimes what is intended as wit comes across as veiled cultural imperialism at best and racism at worst.
posted by hippybear at 3:48 PM on July 8, 2012

Wow is that wonkette article terrible.

When did Wonkette turn into a bad remix of TMZ with random YouTube comments?
posted by Blazecock Pileon at 3:49 PM on July 8, 2012

First, let’s mira at his extramarital affairs.
posted by modernserf at 3:54 PM on July 8, 2012 [1 favorite]

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