Reactance is a source of motivation.
September 19, 2013 4:48 AM   Subscribe

Reactance is a source of motivation, for Anansi used it to catch Mmoatia.

Reactance is a source of motivation.

Reactance is a source of motivation.

Reactance is a source of motivation, because it activates more intensely in boys than in girls. But not in men versus women. Can't really find any research on transgender people, sorry.

Reactance is a source of motivation. It lets people battle gender stereotypes.

Reactance is a source of motivation. It is essential to actually convincing people.

Reactance is a source of motivation. It has a lot to do with scarcity.

Reactance is a source of motivation. Can you break the chain?
posted by curuinor (1 comment total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but you have several super short abstracts and a couple of excerpts from a book here, which makes it difficult for folks to engage in a discussion on the links (and offering to send to individuals isn't really a workable solution). Maybe there's another way to do this that's more in line with a typical Metafilter post. -- taz

If you want the full versions of papers, that will be possible.
posted by curuinor at 4:51 AM on September 19, 2013

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