Artist's Statement
December 19, 2013 10:31 AM   Subscribe

Too burned out to come up with a few paragraphs describing your unique artist vision? Let the Arty Bollocks Generator make one up for you.

For example:
"My work explores the relationship between the universality of myth and daytime TV.
With influences as diverse as Munch and Francis Bacon, new variations are generated from both explicit and implicit dialogues.

Ever since I was a pre-adolescent I have been fascinated by the essential unreality of meaning. What starts out as hope soon becomes manipulated into a dialectic of futility, leaving only a sense of decadence and the inevitability of a new reality.

As intermittent forms become reconfigured through diligent and personal practice, the viewer is left with a tribute to the possibilities of our era."

You can get your statement framed, or put on a T-shirt as well.
posted by CheeseDigestsAll (2 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Double. -- jessamyn

posted by The Card Cheat at 10:35 AM on December 19, 2013

I suppose it is a double, but the old post's link is broken...
posted by showbiz_liz at 10:41 AM on December 19, 2013

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