“The heart wants what it wants.”
January 15, 2014 7:20 AM   Subscribe

"Devastating" is the word the children use for what happened to them. Daisy says, “It turned our world upside down. It was nothing you would wish on anyone.” Fletcher adds, “To my siblings and me, you thought of [Allen] as another dad. It can disrupt your foundation in the world. It resets the parameters of what is possible.”

Gosh, just thinking about the moral ramifications of this situation is enough to make one’s head spin, frankly. On one hand, you have the accusations that have been leveled against me: that I am a sexual predator who molested my adopted adolescent daughter while simultaneously entering into a sexual relationship with the child of my now ex-partner that continues to this day. But on the other hand, you have my truly lovable persona and monumental contributions to cinema—as evidenced by such timeless works as Manhattan, The Purple Rose Of Cairo, and Crimes And Misdemeanors—that have delighted millions of people and unquestionably benefited society as a whole. Boy, I’ve Really Put You In A Tough Spot, Haven’t I?
posted by timshel (0 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Juxtaposing a straight-faced long-form piece with a blind pull-quote from The Onion seems like not such a solid plan for framing this. -- cortex


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