It has, It hasn't, It does, It doesn't, It will, It won't
April 16, 2014 3:11 AM   Subscribe

"Our results provide further evidence that marijuana use has a direct effect on executive function and that both age of onset and magnitude of marijuana use can significantly influence cogni The continuing debate--does it or doesn't it. Delighted the research is being done--hopefully without bias, sound protocols and replication with larger and more diverse populations. Intuitively, based on clinical observation and experience, I do not think this can be summarily dismissed even if it is sensationalized by the press, prponents and opponents.
posted by rmhsinc (0 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Only a press release is a bit on the thin side given the topic I'm afraid, also please steer clear of including your own opinion in the post, thanks. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


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