Up off the couch!
June 21, 2014 7:38 AM   Subscribe

Go you chicken fat go! During the endless World Cup watching going on at my house, I heard the opening refrain for the Chicken Fat song, and immediately knew what it was. I screamed, "that's the Chicken Fat song!" and mr. tiara looked at me blankly. It was, in actuality, a new commercial for the iPhone.

Mr. tiara went to Catholic School in the 1960's and missed out on this, but he surprisingly loves this song and the concept.

I remember really clearly going to PE classes in first or second grade--1961-62, and hearing this song played on the record player in the gym. One of those old huge gray record players, really heavy, with the wire mesh on the side where the speakers were. And Robert Preston blasting out the lyrics. We did our push ups and jumping jacks and other "calisthenics," thinking really nothing about it, and at the end of the year we would get our certificates in the mail from the President's Council on Physical Fitness. Signed by JFK! (with a little reproductive help)

After watching the Osmond's this morning, I thought that this would be a good second course.
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