Intersex Awareness
November 20, 2014 10:02 AM   Subscribe

Taylor Lianne Chandler, an intersex woman who confided in (autoplay ad, offensive text) about her relationship with Michael Phelps, was shocked when the interview was published saying she was "born a man." The story has spread, despite attempts to explain how inaccurate it is.

Inter/Act Youth is a group for young people with intersex conditions or disorders of sex development (DSDs) who share their stories with the world. Their parent organization is Advocate for Informed Choice, a legal group that works to stop irreversible "corrective/normalizing surgeries" on infants who cannot consent to the medically unnecessary procedures.

Lately they've been partnering with MTV show Faking It to create public awareness around the character Lauren, a nuanced realistic character who happens to be intersex.

Emily Quinn, who consulted on Faking It, explains to Vice, "I'm Intersex and My Body Works Just Fine, Thank You." She also did an Reddit AMA.

MTV's interview with Amanda on what it's like to be an openly lesbian intersex college student.

Inter/Act member Ali tells her true life story of dating with Swyer's Syndrome and faking periods during sexual encounters.

Shana discusses coping with the medical procedures performed without her consent as a baby. Monica is also working on her acceptance of the choices doctors made in her treatment. Nthabi has not always been happy with the ways her body is different, but is now grateful she did not undergo childhood surgury. Lexye stresses the importance of doctors and patients working together.

Abby and Sarah discuss disclosure.

A youth discussion about the worries of having crushes while intersex.

An explanation of the similarities and difference between being intersex and being transgender.

What We Wish Our Doctors Knew Brochure (PDF) Intersex youth speak out about what all doctors should know about intersex and DSD conditions and the needs of real people living with these conditions.

What We Wish Our Parents Knew Brochure (PDF) Intersex youth share their thoughts on what they wish their parents knew and offer insights on ways families can support.

Intersex FAQ by Inter/Act. FAQ by the Intersex Society of North America. Inter/Act previously. Efforts to stop surgery on intersex kids previously.
posted by Juliet Banana (29 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: The Chandler stuff seems to be a messy distraction to an otherwise good post. Maybe try again with a slight reframe tomorrow? -- restless_nomad

Thanks for this. I've seen a little of this bullshit on Twitter, and I'm glad I can depend on you to give a good rundown on what actually is going on.
posted by Elementary Penguin at 10:04 AM on November 20, 2014 [2 favorites]

the interview was published saying she was "born a man."

I've seen this "trending" on facebook and it's been making me want to hit things. I need to figure out how to make my work browser block the same stuff my personal laptop does.
posted by rtha at 10:06 AM on November 20, 2014 [6 favorites]

Thank you for this great post. The "media" on this has been completely awful..
posted by roomthreeseventeen at 10:17 AM on November 20, 2014

I wonder what the deal is with her being called his "alleged" girlfriend.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 10:19 AM on November 20, 2014

The Facebook trendline is now, "Michael Phelps: Woman claims to be Olympian's girlfriend, says she was born intersex." Which is better than what it was before.
posted by smackfu at 10:19 AM on November 20, 2014

"born a man" is some sort of benjamin button shit tho
posted by idiopath at 10:20 AM on November 20, 2014 [12 favorites]

then to sell a magazine say[ing] Michael Phelps is dating a MAN

And that hits the nail right on the head: it's all about selling the magazine and the ad revenue that it brings in - clickbait at its finest. Screw anything about factual reporting - nobody reads past the headline anyways.
posted by Old'n'Busted at 10:20 AM on November 20, 2014

Yeah, the comments on one of those links is about equally torn between "Stop saying you're his girlfriend, there are no pictures of you two together" and "You should have told him first before telling the world." Are these coming from anywhere, or just being made up whole cloth?
posted by corb at 10:21 AM on November 20, 2014

Even if you ignore for a second how offensive this is, it is still bothersome that a media outlet like RadarOnline would choose a headline based on perceived salaciousness rather than accuracy.
posted by The Gooch at 10:22 AM on November 20, 2014

I love the pamphlets, even though they also kind of bum me out because they have to be so explicit about stuff that should be really obvious.
posted by rtha at 10:23 AM on November 20, 2014

Why was she telling this story to Radar? Her motives are are suspect or at the very least, odd.

The intersex aspects are personal business and the way the media is handling it is terrible.
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 10:24 AM on November 20, 2014 [2 favorites]

"You should have told him first before telling the world."

This one's certainly bullshit in any case; the AJC article says that Chandler told Phelps about her intersex condition prior to being interviewed.
posted by capricorn at 10:24 AM on November 20, 2014

Oh, it looks like he's currently in rehab, and per Chandler, "hasn't responded to her email telling him about her past." So it's legitimately unclear if they're actually dating, not just jerkish.
posted by corb at 10:25 AM on November 20, 2014

Science has not caught up with the realities of the human body. Last year, LAST YEAR, gynecologist discovered many women have prostate tissue. Some humans are a product of incomplete twinning and host entire organ systems with different DNA than the rest of their body. Chimaeric children are born this is not unknown. Recently they have been allowed to develop and decide gender issues. Parents may request DNA testing to decide early.

But really this shocked and appalled woman, opened her yap about a private matter in a public interview, while dating a celebrity. This is how she bought her fifteen minutes of fame? Yeah, kind of a sad vehicle.
posted by Oyéah at 10:28 AM on November 20, 2014 [3 favorites]

Boy, the RadarOnline slideshow on Bruce Jenner is a real nasty piece of work (it was linked on the splash page with this article and is related to the FPP's theme).
posted by chavenet at 10:38 AM on November 20, 2014

Why was she telling this story to Radar? Her motives are are suspect or at the very least, odd.

Agreed. The interview is a terrible thing to behold, and not just for the headline. I'm "shocked" that Chandler was shocked that they ran it in the most salacious way possible.
posted by BurntHombre at 10:39 AM on November 20, 2014

She had a consulting business for sign language interpretation and then last year she started focusing on PR/crisis management. (Link from her FB). And now there's a statement on the About page that says:
"Taylor was outed as Michael Phelps' girlfriend September 30, 2014. Since then she is pursuing a more public life as interpreting does not lend itself to being in the public eye."
What kind of crisis manager would choose Radar, of all places, as a crisis management tool?
posted by mochapickle at 10:40 AM on November 20, 2014

Also "Was outed" usually doesn't refer to "chose to do an interview."
posted by corb at 10:42 AM on November 20, 2014 [2 favorites]

There are weird disconnects in the story that either reflect: the media handling this weird because she's intersex; Phelps keeping mum because he's busy rehabbing or was caught off guard; or Chandler is full of shit. Something is all twisted and I sincerely have no idea what.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 10:45 AM on November 20, 2014 [1 favorite]

But really this shocked and appalled woman, opened her yap about a private matter in a public interview, while dating a celebrity. This is how she bought her fifteen minutes of fame? Yeah, kind of a sad vehicle.

It seems to me, at least based on how she is talking about the interview now, more like she wants to use her 15 minutes of fame (from dating a celebrity) as a vehicle for raising awareness.
posted by capricorn at 10:46 AM on November 20, 2014

it's all about selling the magazine and the ad revenue that it brings in - clickbait at its finest. Screw anything about factual reporting - nobody reads past the headline anyways.

I hate giving clicks to sites like that, but it's useful to read the source material. What is MetFilter's policy on using to eliminate pageviews from us?
posted by Johnny Wallflower at 10:48 AM on November 20, 2014 [1 favorite]

Yeah, this bit is on the front page of Taylor's website:

​Taylor became a public figure September 30, after being linked to Micheal Phelps as his girfriend the night of the DUI. Her interpreting career vanished over night and now she is transitioning into her new role.
She sounds like an opportunistic something something something.
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 10:49 AM on November 20, 2014 [1 favorite]

Her post from November 7:
Goodnight love you all! MP I hope you realize when you break someone's heart there on consequences.
posted by mochapickle at 10:50 AM on November 20, 2014

Yup dick move on her part, without MP, this is not a story.
posted by Samuel Farrow at 10:51 AM on November 20, 2014

Christ, what an asshole.
posted by roomthreeseventeen at 10:52 AM on November 20, 2014

What is this?! She's got a rotating gallery on her front page that alternates between scantily clad photos of herself, photos of her out in the world and then photos of Michael Phelps alone. This entire post should probably be deleted, 'cause it reads a like a fan groupie getting exactly what she wanted. It's terrible thing to link to the the difficulties that intersex people have.
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 10:54 AM on November 20, 2014 [4 favorites]

Can we keep JB's other excellent links and ditch the lede?
posted by mochapickle at 10:58 AM on November 20, 2014 [1 favorite]

The rest of the FPP has useful information. Maybe reframe it without the Phelps stuff?
posted by Johnny Wallflower at 10:58 AM on November 20, 2014

LAST YEAR, gynecologist discovered many women have prostate tissue

How is prostate tissue different from regular old Skene's glands (aka the female prostate)? Did they sequence it and find a Y chromosome in it or something? <-- actually asking, not snarking.
posted by ROU_Xenophobe at 10:58 AM on November 20, 2014

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