NY Times Weekender Nostalgia Post
October 20, 2015 10:50 AM   Subscribe

The Internet appears to have swallowed an almost ten-year old commercial from the NYTimes about its (then new) Weekender subscription service, which included the famous "Saturdays, the word alone makes me happy" comment. It was parodied here by the 92Y Tribeca (RIP) and was then revised by the NY Times. I am, however, looking for the original ad that ran in 2006 (according to this Time article). Was even able to locate the abridged version of the commercial, but can't find the original. MeFi's can you help me save this from the internet rabbit hole?
posted by neoist (0 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Hey sorry, looks like you meant to post this on AskMetafilter - click the link in the header and you can post it over there instead. -- LobsterMitten


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