The Deadliest Day In Modern Paris?
November 18, 2015 9:54 AM   Subscribe

In 1961 the French police murdered some 200 civilians protesting a special curfew French Muslims. The crime was censored for decades and was only admitted to by the French state in 2012.
posted by blankdawn (1 comment total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: This is interesting and worth a post, but the proximity to the recent attack and the sort of "well, actually" framing of the article itself make this feel a little weird to post right now. Maybe revisit it a little ways down the line? -- cortex

I hadn't heard of this incident, which is horrific. Based on some initial (possibly biased) readings, I don't think the linked FPP is a great source, either for the events or in describing what happened. There were a variety of separate attacks against Algerians by both police and civilians over that night, the events were acknowledged in 1998, the death count remains controversial (200 is considered high), and it was apparently overshadowed by other horrific police-led killings happening at the same time. And, of course, even worse things were being done by the state in Algeria. Plus, not sure I think that there was a direct connection between what happened 50 years ago and what happened this weekend, which is implied by the article.
posted by blahblahblah at 10:05 AM on November 18, 2015

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