December 10, 2015 2:29 PM   Subscribe

Shia LaBeouf wants you to call 'im up for #TOUCHMYSOUL, which will be part of a new exhibition at Liverpool's FACT gallery.

Dazed Magazine: "#TOUCHMYSOUL follows on from #AllMyMovies, where we collectively watched Shia LaBeouf cackle and cry at his entire film catalogue – a 72-hour, 29-film movie marathon. Playing back his movies proved a revelatory experience for the actor. 'I can’t articulate how big this was. I don’t even know yet. All I know is I feel the weight of it. I’m walking through the streets and I’m smiling, like a cartoon character…'"
posted by ourt (0 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Let's keep our LaBeouf corralled in one thread. -- LobsterMitten


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