Standard B-27s
December 11, 2015 4:30 PM   Subscribe

The class was six hours long, but the instructor told us exactly what we needed for the exam in the final five minutes. Then, we got the test: 25 questions, multiple choice — mostly about where you can lawfully carry your gun. City Hall? University buildings? Elementary school parking lots? All of the above. Everyone passed. I got 100.

As the instructor signed my certificate of shooting proficiency, he asked a legitimate question: “You’ve never fired a gun before today. Why do you want to carry one around?” I had to pause and think, but I replied calmly. “It’s my right.”
posted by four panels (0 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: I don't know that this is startling enough to warrant a new gun control thread, sorry. -- restless_nomad


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