Greek wisdom: live with your friends
January 7, 2016 11:27 AM   Subscribe

The School of Life's video on Epicurus. Epicurus was the first Greek philosopher to study happiness, rather than meaning and purpose, according to The School of Life. This video breaks down what they found (they have a complementary video that will surprise you on monasticism). Epicurean living became a huge movement and I have to say: if I had the money to buy a big place in NYC, I'd be into trying it today. FWIW: I have been burning a load of time on these School of Life YouTube videos later.
posted by BradyDale (1 comment total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Hey there, this is a good link but the framing of your post (with the "my personal take" angle) isn't really consistent with how things are framed here... drop us a line at the contact form in the next little while if you'd like to edit, or you can repost tomorrow without that bit. -- LobsterMitten

School/Book of Life previously and previously.
posted by jedicus at 11:33 AM on January 7, 2016

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