Ways to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s vision tomorrow
January 17, 2016 4:57 PM   Subscribe

There’s planting trees (from last year) and picking up litter.*
Or we could consider and discuss Obama’s call for “help people fast” interventions for avoiding poverty. Donate to the Brooklyn Community Bail Fund (story).** Read a powerful story about what a single mother in the Deep South goes through, job-seeking from a homeless shelter, and consider what could make her endeavor somewhat less herculean.

* Usually all I read about for MLK Day of Service is landscape work. I don't know of other organized activities.
**Any donations I make tomorrow will be quite modest, but you can make up for that.
posted by Baeria (0 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Hey, this seems like a reasonable topic but explicit links to fundraising are against the rules, so it's going to be a little tricky, sorry. -- restless_nomad


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