Sleeping under the stars - in town .
August 25, 2016 11:48 AM   Subscribe

Portland, Oregon has become two cities. The house dwellers are feeling threatened by the tent people. There are advocates on both sides of this problem The tent people are everywhere- under bridges, at cross walks, down the block from my home , and occasionally camping in the neighbor's backyard. The city has moved them from one place to the next, trying to band aid what is a long term problem. Is urban camping a real solution to this?
posted by LuckyMonkey21 (0 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Hey there, this is a more personally-editorial framing than is conventional for the Mefi front page, and also this is an issue we've just had a couple of other threads about -- so probably better to pop your links as comments in this other recent thread. -- LobsterMitten


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