Grandpa's last wish
June 6, 2017 8:23 AM   Subscribe

And we drive off to look for AmericaFollow the journey of one family across the country and across generations. Introducing the all-new 7-seater Volkswagen Atlas. Life’s as big as you make it. Accompanied by Simon and Garfunkel, Volkswagen sells family values (without a specification in sight).
posted by cenoxo (5 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: It's a sentimental song and story but I think there's just not enough there there, to make this work as a Mefi post despite its being an ad. -- LobsterMitten

The new Volkswagen Ashes?
posted by chavenet at 8:33 AM on June 6, 2017 [2 favorites]

Wait, you mean if I had had a VW Van rather than the Honda Odyssey my kids would have stopped fighting in the back, stopped complaining about the food at every stop, stopped counting down the days to the end, stopped throwing things and stopped saying to me that I am so mean for making them stop at a national park rather than the water park? God forbid I had brought Grandma along, who would have either added to the complaints or been appalled at the sniping in the back or both.

Nope, we backyard camped as vacation for the year that followed that trip.
posted by AugustWest at 8:37 AM on June 6, 2017 [1 favorite]

my kids would have stopped fighting in the back, stopped complaining about the food at every stop, stopped counting down the days to the end, stopped throwing things and stopped saying to me that I am so mean for making them stop at a national park rather than the water park? God forbid I had brought Grandma along, who would have either added to the complaints or been appalled at the sniping in the back or both.

VW just installed a defeat device that masks all of the above angry, annoying, and poisonous emissions.
posted by Kabanos at 8:40 AM on June 6, 2017

Wow. That was a *terrible* ad. It just seemed to fail on all fronts. It's almost like the ad company just thought, "Just film some road footage and throw that song behind it and it'll just come together." Nope.

To think of what they could have made with 90 seconds.
posted by dobbs at 8:51 AM on June 6, 2017

Wait, is this REALLY just a link to a television commercial? Not to go all Pepsi Blue on yo' ass, but C'MON!
posted by briank at 9:03 AM on June 6, 2017

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