Snake People of the Big Apple
August 14, 2017 9:06 PM   Subscribe

Millennials of New York
posted by Sebmojo (2 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: eh, I get that this is meant in a meta way but it's gonna end up as non-ironic fightbait -- LobsterMitten

Ugh. I mean I'm already a punchline to a lot of people I suppose but this is kinda gross. Page me when we have a baby boomers of New York lampooning the people who fucked up the world and my chances for future employment.
posted by Homo neanderthalensis at 9:37 PM on August 14, 2017 [1 favorite]

"This is my favorite shirt. I love Buddhism."

I lolled right out of the gate.

Its weird though to have a conversation with someone where you make a pretty specific and well known lyric reference and they don't get it... and you realize that when Cobain died, this person was 4 - or not born. And it certainly isn't that they should know it - cultures change, but you get weird things like... If I play a Nirvana, a Soundgarden, a TotD, and a Green Day song - they won't know which one is Green Day...

I'm pretty sure by my 20s I could cite you a Beatles, Led Zepplin, Rolling Stones, or even Joni Mitchel song. I guess, part is that if they don't know it - there's no radio so their curated lifestyle means they actively don't have to participate in anything they don't know at all...
Dating, Music, TV - whatever - all of it is self curated. You don't have to listen to anything you don't know or don't want to know... which is somewhat sad.
posted by Nanukthedog at 9:40 PM on August 14, 2017

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