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April 27, 2018 10:10 PM   Subscribe

The ninth album by Yes, 1978's Tormato, has a reputation as being decisive being divisive. Let's keep the conversation civil, MeFites. ;) [Ed. Note: I've had a vinyl copy of this since probably 1980, it's one of my favorite Yes albums. I'm weird that way.] Side A: Future Times/Rejoice; Don't Kill The Whale [video}; Madrigal [video]; Release, Release posted by hippybear (1 comment total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: this editorial framing won't work. -- Eyebrows McGee

So, thoughts. 1) The sound of this album has been criticized. I've never found it a problem. I though it was a choice. (I assume any album sound is a choice except for Rush - Vapor Trails and I will never forgive them for ruining that album but it is fucking powerful).

2) The cassette I bought of this album had the last two tracks of each side switched to balance out the time.

3) This is perhaps somehow the most joyous sounding Yes album. I know it's widely hated, but give it another listen. There is a lot of joy happening.

4) I unapologetically love this album. I love a lot of other Yes albums too, but this one has a special place in my heart. I don'l know why.

Drama led to Frankie which led to Art Of Noise, so I can't complain about that album either. Actualluy I have no Yes albums about which I can complain.
posted by hippybear at 10:12 PM on April 27, 2018

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