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May 21, 2018 8:12 PM   Subscribe

What A Santa Fe High School Senior Witnessed In The Aftermath Of The Shooting (Vice News Tonight HBO)

Raw, thoughtful, plain spoken, beautiful, and totally honest. This is an astonishing document, IMO.
posted by hippybear (3 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Better to put this in the existing Santa Fe shooting thread -- LobsterMitten

Gorgeous and wrenching.

Fuck the NRA...
posted by PhineasGage at 8:19 PM on May 21, 2018

This letter written by the mother of a daughter who witnessed the shooting broke my fucking heart. It's worth a read but a heads up, descriptions of violence, shooting, blood. Despite how triggering this might be, I do think it's worth reading, it's powerful and it puts your life in perspective.

• At Santa Fe High School, my daughter phoned: 'I'm hiding in a closet. I love you, Mom.' [Houston Chronicle]
“Our day started off normal. Isabelle was happy and looking forward to the weekend. I dropped her off about 7 a.m., told her I loved her, to have a good day, and then headed home to get to work.

I got home, walked upstairs and my phone rang. I noticed her name on the screen and figured she forgot something.

As I answer the phone, she is whispering and I can barely understand her. Then I hear her whisper: Mom, they are shooting up the school. I'm hiding in a closet. I love you, Mom.

In the background, I hear gunfire. I beg her to stay on the phone and she says other kids with her want to call their parents and don't have phones. I beg her not to hang up as the call drops. I was frozen, standing there with no idea what to do next ...”
posted by Fizz at 8:23 PM on May 21, 2018

What I would like to hear from those who say "guns don't kill people" is where they would draw the line. RPGs? Sarin? Personal nukes? Why? Are they not just as inanimate?
posted by cichlid ceilidh at 8:32 PM on May 21, 2018

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