Don't Get Depressed - Get Angry
November 3, 2018 9:48 AM   Subscribe

The lie that pervades our understanding of the climate crisis is that it is our own fault - for leaving the light on, buying dinner in a disposable container, driving a car to work, etc. But this is only a small part of the story. With just 100 companies responsible for 71% of emissions, and oil and gas companines still allowed to profit with reckless abandon off our consumption, it's time to get angry, and make corporations accountable.

Certainly keep your personal ecological footprint to a minimum - but perhaps even more important at this point is effective activism. The most vital element in this seems to be holding the pressure on governments to regulate the production and supply of goods - those in positions that require blind profit mongering will not be jumping in to lend a helping hand, if it's at their own expense (even though, let's remember, no amount of money will be protecting anyone from climate change)... stricter policy will be needed to hold the big players to account.

We can all play a part in supporting creative solutions to protect our collective future; join advocacy groups, attend protests, sign petitions, VOTE, take legal action (if you have the means)... a government's understanding of where the priorities of its citizens lie is in our mobilization.
posted by TruthfulCalling (0 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Sorry this kind of advocacy framing isn't suitable for a metafilter post. -- LobsterMitten


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