Why Crystal Meth Has Made a Big Comeback in Philadelphia
January 29, 2019 11:31 AM   Subscribe

Since 2016, however, Philadelphia’s drug markets have undergone a radical change.

“Crystal meth? I’d like to try it.”

“Try it?” the man said. “You can try it if you buy it.”

A year ago this exchange would have been inconceivable on the streets of Kensington—even though they have echoed for decades with the shouts of dealers hawking branded heroin and almost every other mood-altering drug, from PCP (or “wet”) to prescription pills.
posted by sarahdrugs (2 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Self link; banned. -- taz

Hi, are you "co-founder and deputy editor of Filter?"
If so, please ask a mod to delete this as a self-link.
If not, forgive the accusation and accept that I did it out of great love for Metafilter.
posted by Glomar response at 11:40 AM on January 29, 2019

“I remember snorting crank back in the ‘80s. It burned like hell; we would go dancing all night,” said a local EMT......

I don't think that what was going around as "crank" (at least in Atlanta) in the 80's was equivalent to full deal crystal meth. I don't remember users of it being up for days or the other kinds of extreme things you hear about, at least.
posted by thelonius at 11:41 AM on January 29, 2019

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