A literal black hole for your daily work distraction!
April 10, 2019 5:48 AM   Subscribe

In 10 minutes, the international Event Horizon Telescope project is expected to announce the first-ever photographic images of a black hole. Press conference starts at 12 noon CEST, 9 am US Eastern time. Link is to the official European Union site's YouTube livestream.

Posted for speed, not for quality exegesis :-)

From the EHT web site:

A long standing goal in astrophysics is to directly observe the immediate environment of a black hole with angular resolution comparable to the event horizon. Such observations could lead to images of strong gravity effects that are expected near a black hole, and to the direct detection of dynamics near the black hole as matter orbits at near light speeds. This capability would open a new window on the study of general relativity in the strong field regime, accretion and outflow processes at the edge of a black hole, the existence of event horizons, and fundamental black hole physics.

posted by Sheydem-tants (0 comments total)

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