Bin Laden alive
November 13, 2002 7:24 AM   Subscribe

Bin Laden alive how did george bushes war on terror manage to miss Bin Laden, Al-Zawahiri, Mullah Omar? all characters that have carefully NOT been mentioned by the administration for months. And now we're on to bigger and better projects?
posted by specialk420 (11 comments total)

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"Yes, it is his voice," a U.S. State Department official said Wednesday morning. "But we don't know yet whether anybody put it together, spliced, or computer-generated" it.
posted by monju_bosatsu at 7:39 AM on November 13, 2002

"how did george bush's war on terror manage to miss Bin Laden..."

I wasn't aware it was suppossed to be easy.
posted by mbannonb at 7:46 AM on November 13, 2002

The New American Wimpy: "I would gladly pay you my freedom on Tuesday sir, for protection from Terror today."
posted by quonsar at 7:47 AM on November 13, 2002

Can't win an election on Osama.

See January Rove strategery lost and found.

Also new story in Newsweek about Aug. 8 strategery meeting in Texas again about how to win the election by rattling the Iraqi sabers. As Cheney said in defending the Administration against these truthful charges: "disgusting!"

Enjoy your stay in fundy/corporate land!
posted by nofundy at 7:47 AM on November 13, 2002

makes me wonder what certain groups would be saying if al gore was running this war - and these guys were all still missing?
posted by specialk420 at 7:54 AM on November 13, 2002

I'll believe that bin Laden is alive when al Jazeera shows a video of him reading aloud from yesterday's New York Times. And even if he is alive... at least he's not leading any parades.

I won't comment any further, to benefit MeFi's new tone of leaving the political crap behind. Maybe you could do the same, specialk420.
posted by jammer at 8:00 AM on November 13, 2002

And specialk, please, please, please tell me you didn't just post a "get your war on" link.
posted by pardonyou? at 8:09 AM on November 13, 2002

I totally agree with you jammer, I will treat all claims of his being alive with complete skepticism until I see him alive with proof of time.
posted by eas98 at 8:24 AM on November 13, 2002

eas98,jammer: I disagree.

If you saw your parents last week and they were alive, then you should be able to assume they are still alive today if you have not received any information otherwise.
In the same fashion, the last credible evidence we have of Osama shows he was alive (the last video tapes). Until evidence comes up contrary to this (ie his dead body) you must assume he is still alive.
posted by PenDevil at 8:52 AM on November 13, 2002

I don't understand why everyone is so skeptical about this. Personally, I believe him to be alive unless proven otherwise. I mean, every time he releases something to the public he essentially leaves his ass hanging in the breeze from the paper trail. Wouldn't you try to keep a low profile if half the world were hunting you down? He's proven himself to be effective even when operating reclusively. Shouldn't we hope for the best but plan for the worst?
posted by bhorling at 8:55 AM on November 13, 2002

And specialk, please, please, please tell me you didn't just post a "get your war on" link

Yeah, I love Rees' work, but since we all know Get Your War On, can we avoid linking to it in this context? Those of us who like it, read it anyway.
news link + Get Your War On --- It's probably not conductive to good discussion
posted by matteo at 9:34 AM on November 13, 2002

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