Regarding: The Gravest Generation
May 9, 2005 1:53 AM   Subscribe

The Gravest Generation Thinking that the German social economics was in any fine shape before the Third Reich's rule has been forgotten here. If anything, make the metaphor of the second Reich's governing history. There's how many people that are pathological and ambiguous, straight-hand, to their knowledge of reality? If Germans are going to use a cop out as to look at the world today as if it's worse now? The writer cannot understand the true bias and not look within the proper people to maintain the changing world. "Rape is inevitable. Enjoy it as it happens." This means that life is not fair. Enjoy the bad times to get back to good times. There's no great chip on Germans' shoulders that is standing out in this world's history.
posted by koli (6 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: recently posted

If Germans are going to use a cop out as to look at the world today as if it's worse now?

Er, say what?
posted by jasonsmall at 1:59 AM on May 9, 2005

I'm not sure if the right response is "GYOB" for all the editorializing about the link, or "don't post to MeFi after smoking the wacky tobacky" for the convoluted grammar. (I'm still sorting out "There's how many people that are pathological and ambiguous, straight-hand, to their knowledge of reality? ")

Interesting link, should have added the protest about German guilt or some information about the big memorial for the German surrender that triggered this article.

Next time please less editorializing in your commentary.
posted by thedevildancedlightly at 1:59 AM on May 9, 2005

I think there was the kernel of a post here, but it looks like it was drunk-posted.

posted by LondonYank at 2:04 AM on May 9, 2005

y'arr, tis a repost!
posted by slater at 2:13 AM on May 9, 2005

I'm sorry, koli... Is English your first language? The text that appears in your mefi profile is perfectly intelligible, but this sounds like it was poorly translated from another language.
posted by Clay201 at 2:24 AM on May 9, 2005

"I'm sorry, koli... Is English your first language? The text that appears in your mefi profile is perfectly intelligible, but this sounds like it was poorly translated from another language."

Exactly what I thought, although I didn't check the profile.
posted by kavasa at 2:36 AM on May 9, 2005

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