Message for Freedom by Sarah Thompson
November 1, 2005 8:24 AM   Subscribe

Message for Freedom is a video which questions our true motives. Do we fight wars for freedom or our comfort and convenience? Is it profits for big business we pledge our allegiance? Who pays the cost for the liberties you demand?
posted by Healing One (8 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: self-link, he uploaded the video.

Message for Freedom
Sarah Thompson

Rulers of the nations as you fuss and fight
Over who owns the soil than who has the right
To design, build, sell and store and fire
All the bombs and guns to defend your holy empire
There are children, hungry children, sick and dying
There are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers crying
They’re only pawns in your play of power and corruption
Slowly starvin your new weapon of mass destruction
And prove to me America that you care
And prove to me America you’re aware
Who’s dying for your freedom in this land
Who pays the cost for the liberties you demand
Is it for freedom or our comfort and convenience
Is it to profit for big business we pledge our allegiance
Are we prisoners in the land of the brave and the bold
Held by indifference or our hearts grown hard and cold
And prove to me America that you care
And prove to me America you’re aware
Who’s dying for your freedom in this land
Who pays the cost for the liberties you demand
posted by Healing One at 8:30 AM on November 1, 2005

Governments never fight for Freedom. People fight for freedom.
posted by twistedonion at 8:32 AM on November 1, 2005

I think my man Smedly Butler had a thing or two to say about this.
posted by Freen at 9:00 AM on November 1, 2005

war is the health of the state.
posted by 3.2.3 at 9:01 AM on November 1, 2005

Er.... that's "Major General Smedley Butler".
posted by Freen at 9:02 AM on November 1, 2005

Songfilter? Not to slam the message, but as far as posts go, isn't it sort of like just posting the lyrics to "War Pigs".
posted by stifford at 9:07 AM on November 1, 2005

This is juvenile. Of course no war has every been fought in the name of pure moral motives. Economics is always the motivating factor although the reasoning is often dressed up in nationalism or marketed through religious means. At the end of the day one tribe always wants the other tribe's cattle or farm land or oil. It was true 5,000 years ago it's true today.

Ask anyone who's playing Civ 4 right now why they invade a neighboring country - is it because they want to spread freedom and democracy? No - it's because they want that oil tile that will let them build rail lines. Duh.
posted by wfrgms at 9:11 AM on November 1, 2005

Now I hate freedom.
posted by ftrain at 9:17 AM on November 1, 2005

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