Web Has Class
March 7, 2006 7:55 AM   Subscribe

Nuvvo is hoping you'll make/take a course, and that free education and Connectivism aren't just for universities anymore. Jay Cross says, nah, Informal Learning is where it's at. This guy says, nope, you should duct-tape Odeo, del.icio.us, edublogs, and Flickr and make some E-learning 2.0.
posted by setpounds (8 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: self-link

posted by the jam at 8:57 AM on March 7, 2006

setpounds at E6townhall.com lists http://www.thesuburbanpopproject.com as his site, which is registered to Dave Ritter who has the same name as "Dave Ritter from the nuvvo team"
posted by the jam at 8:58 AM on March 7, 2006

Well, thirty seconds into the static non-flashy Flash™ video tour, I was so irritated by the narrator's My First Podcast breathiness and percussive voiceless bilabial plosives that I just couldn't continue to find out exactly what the future of online learning and self-promotion is.

If anyone can provide a fifteen-word précis, she or he would be doing us all a great service.
posted by the sobsister at 9:12 AM on March 7, 2006

Sorry, but putting "2.0" on the end of anything that shouldn't really have a version number marks it with the taint of bullshit.
posted by Artw at 9:46 AM on March 7, 2006

Psychic Powers and Development of Psychic Devolopment Psy101

I already know this sucks.
posted by iamck at 9:55 AM on March 7, 2006

Artw: Sorry, but putting "2.0" on the end of anything that shouldn't really have a version number marks it with the taint of bullshit.

I've been thinking about this for a while now. And realized that one of the reasons that I'm skeptical of the "Web 2.0" and "e-Learning 2.0" hype is because I've seen very few examples of applications what were not protoyped and tested in classrooms at the 1995 Conference for Computer Support of Collaborative Learning. People were thinking about wikis and collaborative sharing of images even then. For that matter, people were talking about online communities before LiveJournal, and even before the web. Just looking at my bibliography, I have what I consider to be a seminal article by Dibbell published in '93, Fernback makes an argument that online communities function like offline communities in '99, another seminal article by Cherny in '95, a paper for Pea calling for knowledge-building technology in '94. I also have some criticism of the concept of "online community" coming from a geographer in '01, and a systems designer in '00 noting that community has already become a "buzzword." I try to slip this one in wherever I can:
Though investigations of community computing are not common in HCI, the term ‘community’ has become a pervasive mantra.. . . I believe the popularity of the term reflects a desire on the part of many HCI professionals to participate in and contribute to more meaningful social interchange.

The term is also clearly now just a buzzword: the collection of people who have recently ordered a pair of socks from the same web site is a rather impoverished example of community. (Carroll, 2001, p. 308)
So as a person who has been a participant, a critic, a leader, and sometimes a criminal in online communities since '89, the pretense that slapping new javascript bells and whistles on top of problems that (if you count history) were faced about by utopian visionaries 200 years ago makes everything new again is really frustrating. You know what, there is over 30 years of hard research from people studying social software, community computing, knowledge management, and CSCL. The "Web 2.0" rhetoric would be a lot more impressive if I saw any indication that there is an actual development theory that was aware of the problems and issues that have been bugging us for some time.
posted by KirkJobSluder at 12:25 PM on March 7, 2006

I can't remember the rules about when you can make your first (self)post, but I'm guessing it takes 2 weeks elapsed from signup and 5 comments.

Just a thought...
posted by runkelfinker at 12:36 PM on March 7, 2006

KirkJobSluder, I agree. But I also like to check out all these "new" technologies and collect them... just in case one of them figures it out. It could happen...
posted by ancientgower at 1:48 PM on March 7, 2006

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