WTF!?!?! So pedophiles have their own jewelry?!?!?
August 22, 2006 8:16 PM   Subscribe

BLogo PENDANT In what started as a relatively normal web search, I somehow stumbled upon the concept that Pedophiles wear a pendant so they can identify each other, and... I suppose talk shop? Is there no end to how incredibly fucked up this world can be? On the landing page for the English portion of the site, they take great pains to use the phrase "BL", which I guess means Boy Lover. However, on the product pages, they make it sound as though being a sicko is quite normal. I miss the ignorance I had before the internet.
posted by bobjohnsonmilw (7 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: subject was covered a few days ago

This was mentioned in the other post today about pedophiles.
posted by null terminated at 8:18 PM on August 22, 2006

Double post.
posted by Blazecock Pileon at 8:18 PM on August 22, 2006

You know, you'll probably end up on some watchlist just for visiting that site...
posted by clevershark at 8:18 PM on August 22, 2006

Double crap. I was away from the ole intarwebs for a few days...

You're right. I'm on some list now. Ugh...
posted by bobjohnsonmilw at 8:24 PM on August 22, 2006

This was mentioned in the other post today about pedophiles.
posted by null terminated at 8:18 PM PST on August 22 [+] [!]

Yeah but not this page with the actual pendants ... yuck. And now I'm on the list too.
posted by ClaudiaCenter at 8:44 PM on August 22, 2006

"The Blogo pendant is actually worn with pride in Quebec, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada, USA, Spain, Germany, Thaïland and New-Zealand"

Great, I'll be keeping an eye out for that now.
posted by sycophant at 8:47 PM on August 22, 2006

Could one of you people on the pervo list post a link to an image of said pendant, so I can recognize the people who are fair game for an unprovoked drubbing?
posted by Alvy Ampersand at 8:51 PM on August 22, 2006

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