She likes 'em saucy.
August 10, 2010 11:16 AM   Subscribe

It was New Year’s Day, and Toledo’s Melodi Dushane really, really, really wanted some Chicken McNuggets. Apparently McDonald's Rage incidents have been err... growing.

Although violent acts occurring at the fast-food franchise are well documented, some oppose the view that there is a correlation between violent acts and the McDonald's diet, and go as far as suggesting that the opposite is true on a global scale.
posted by Cody's Keeper (28 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: this is a bad mix of news of the weird and "crazy people r crazy amirite" interesting-ish event but maybe not quite right for here. -- jessamyn

You have to get there by 10:30. Everyone knows that.
posted by roomthreeseventeen at 11:18 AM on August 10, 2010 [1 favorite]

The embedded video in the link ironically says it all about Ms. McNugget's experience at the drive thru.

"An error ocurred. Please try again later."
posted by Debaser626 at 11:22 AM on August 10, 2010

Were the elephant noises necessary? Fuck.
posted by Beardman at 11:22 AM on August 10, 2010

Flagged as "trying too hard to un-Fark-ify" a SLYT post.
posted by filthy light thief at 11:22 AM on August 10, 2010 [6 favorites]

If this sort of behaviour is becoming more common (and that's a big if; the amplifying power of the internet might make the problem seem worse than it really is), it's probably because people feel so powerless on a macro level that they flip out when they don't get their way on a micro level.
posted by The Card Cheat at 11:25 AM on August 10, 2010 [2 favorites]

There really have been a lot of these reported lately. That doesn't mean that they're happening more -- it just means they're being reported more. And probably the reason that they're being reported more is that there is handy video surveillance footage to draw people into the story, which makes for cheap and easy page views.
posted by hermitosis at 11:25 AM on August 10, 2010

(Not that I'm immune to the charm of these videos...)
posted by hermitosis at 11:25 AM on August 10, 2010

What exactly happens at 1:30? Did she channel a sumo wrestler for half a second?
posted by griphus at 11:27 AM on August 10, 2010

Whopper Freakout
posted by djseafood at 11:29 AM on August 10, 2010

McNugget is a hell of a drug.
posted by a young man in spats at 11:30 AM on August 10, 2010 [3 favorites]

Want some EXTRA BIGASS FRIES with that order?
posted by Blazecock Pileon at 11:30 AM on August 10, 2010

Fast food treats customers like infants, is it any wonder when they act like one?
posted by stbalbach at 11:33 AM on August 10, 2010

McNuggets are really sounding good right now even after reading this.

I skipped lunch, but still, I think there is obviously something seriously strong/wrong in the McD's food if that is my reaction to this story.
posted by MCMikeNamara at 11:37 AM on August 10, 2010

Next on "Hungover People do the Darnedest Things!" a man spends all day watching a "Bridezillas" marathon.
posted by ob at 11:37 AM on August 10, 2010

Fast food treats customers like infants, is it any wonder when they act like one?

The employees at my local Burger King have never once agreed to change or spoonfeed me, no matter how much I cried. Is there a special promotion going on where you are?
posted by griphus at 11:39 AM on August 10, 2010

I am just shocked that the thing she used to smash the window was a beer bottle!
posted by The 10th Regiment of Foot at 11:43 AM on August 10, 2010 [2 favorites]

That was an ugly, ugly thing to see.
posted by Salvor Hardin at 11:44 AM on August 10, 2010

But my favorite part was where the McDonalds employee calmly opened the smashed window and served the next car in line.
posted by Salvor Hardin at 11:45 AM on August 10, 2010

The language used by customers has become very telling. You will often hear someone say a variant of "I want my X." My implies that they own it. It is already theirs, in their heads. This, despite the fact that nobody has agreed to give it to them and they have yet to pay for it. Desire has become synonymous with having acquired. If they cannot have the X, which is theirs already, anger happens.

I notice more tantrum-like behavior from people who use this particular language, but that is just me. I would love to see a solid study done on this.
posted by adipocere at 11:45 AM on August 10, 2010 [5 favorites]

I hate to take the drunk, angry bitch's side, but sometimes you want McNuggets before 10:30. It's a stupid policy, really.
posted by ColdChef at 11:45 AM on August 10, 2010 [1 favorite]

More from the angry self-entitlement files: "My season finale of Criminal Minds, the latter half of it, was interrupted because this douchebag was on my damn screen talking about a freaking damn tornado that wasn't anywhere near me... It would be different if it was near me. It was NOT near me. There was no, no excuse for him to be breaking in during the show."
posted by The Winsome Parker Lewis at 11:48 AM on August 10, 2010

Full confession: I've had an angry confrontation with a McDonald's manager after I've waited in the breakfast line for 15 minutes, only to find out that I can't get breakfast because it's 10:31. I can see the DAMN SAUSAGE BISCUIT RIGHT THERE! Are you going to throw it away?

Yes. They're going to throw it away. Stupid policy.
posted by ColdChef at 11:48 AM on August 10, 2010 [1 favorite]

Is this one of those times when it's acceptable to say "meh?" Because that's my way of saying meh.
posted by swift at 11:49 AM on August 10, 2010

You will often hear someone say a variant of "I want my X." My implies that they own it.

Case in point.
posted by The 10th Regiment of Foot at 11:51 AM on August 10, 2010

adipocere: "The language used by customers has become very telling. You will often hear someone say a variant of "I want my X." My implies that they own it. It is already theirs, in their heads."

I've never heard this before. People do it? Man, that would drive me up the wall.
posted by brundlefly at 11:53 AM on August 10, 2010

I can see the DAMN SAUSAGE BISCUIT RIGHT THERE! Are you going to throw it away?
posted by ColdChef

posted by DU at 11:55 AM on August 10, 2010 [1 favorite]

crap post... this isn't fark
posted by HuronBob at 11:56 AM on August 10, 2010

Yeah, this was pretty much the only time I remember ever hearing "I want my" anything.
posted by Gator at 11:57 AM on August 10, 2010

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