virtual wendy lets her hair down.wmv
October 19, 2010 7:05 PM   Subscribe

You say strangely captivating, I say fucking disturbing.
posted by jontyjago at 7:08 PM on October 19, 2010 [5 favorites]

I think she's been seeing Doctor Legua.

He's not a real doctor, Wendy.
posted by louche mustachio at 7:19 PM on October 19, 2010 [2 favorites]

Anybody who uploads their files and leaves the file extension on the YouTube title is suspect.
posted by msbutah at 7:22 PM on October 19, 2010

Cool. Reminds me of crackers and snacks.
posted by corey le fou at 7:22 PM on October 19, 2010

Very strange indeed.
posted by unliteral at 7:23 PM on October 19, 2010

There was a time you'd be paying fifty bucks to a strung-out art student for a third-hand VHS copy of this stuff.
posted by griphus at 7:26 PM on October 19, 2010 [5 favorites]

There was a time when these tapes would have netted me fifty bucks.
posted by louche mustachio at 7:27 PM on October 19, 2010 [9 favorites]

pointless animation to utilize unused broadband.wmv

Where is Xavier?
posted by thylacine at 7:27 PM on October 19, 2010

strangely captivating --- I do not think those words mean what you think they mean.
posted by crunchland at 7:34 PM on October 19, 2010

That poor kitty ate something neurotoxic.
posted by longsleeves at 7:40 PM on October 19, 2010 [1 favorite]

Some say captivating, others say seizure-inducing.
posted by ...possums at 7:41 PM on October 19, 2010

The WTF levels are high in this one.
posted by spiderskull at 7:50 PM on October 19, 2010

I'm just old and cranky, but that is not artistic, captivating, interesting, well done, or, really, 3D.

Y'all want 3D, go see Legend of the Guardians...
posted by HuronBob at 7:50 PM on October 19, 2010 [1 favorite]

The cat is being made to smile. The cat is forced to frolic. I may only be imagining the look of trapped torment in that cat's eyes as it tries to run away through the fields of grass and flowers, only to be hauled back to the endlessly rolling ball.

It's the eyes from the Catherine Madison trophy meets "It's a Good, Life," with a touch of "Under the Bright and Hollow Sky." You know that Mem the virtual cat wants the simulation to be over, finally, so the terrible accordion music will end.
posted by adipocere at 7:51 PM on October 19, 2010 [4 favorites]

On another note, I had completely forgotten about the spaghetti ownership of Carrara. Seriously, read that Wiki page on it -- it's ownership chain is: Ray Dream 3D -> Fractal Design -> MetaCreations -> Eovia -> DAZ. There aren't many applications with so many parent companies.
posted by spiderskull at 7:54 PM on October 19, 2010

I gotta ask. What's the audio track to the link marked "strangely captivating"? Was it her own creation, was it altered by her from something extant, or is it something else entirely? Anyone know?
posted by jjjjjjjijjjjjjj at 7:56 PM on October 19, 2010

That cat looks like it was sewn together from windblown pieces of burned evil clown.
posted by Inspector.Gadget at 8:07 PM on October 19, 2010 [5 favorites]

I gotta ask. What's the audio track to the link marked "strangely captivating" ? Was it her own creation, was it altered by her from something extant, or is it something else entirely? Anyone know?

She says that she makes most of her own music in the comments. In one comment thread she mentioned using stuff available in the creative commons youtube archive (soundswap, I think?).
posted by codacorolla at 8:24 PM on October 19, 2010

Flies right down the uncanny valley and strafes the shit out of it with radioactive napalm.
posted by RobotVoodooPower at 8:28 PM on October 19, 2010

piss and poop 3d animated titles

Either this is brilliant homage to dadaism through the lens of 21st century media, or she's got some drugs that I need, or she's slightly mentally dispossessed. Maybe all three...
posted by notion at 8:30 PM on October 19, 2010 [2 favorites]

This might have been captivating back in 1995. Now, they're just sort of sad.
posted by signal at 8:33 PM on October 19, 2010

This is the digital animation version of Wesley Willis.
posted by RobotVoodooPower at 8:36 PM on October 19, 2010 [1 favorite]

Shit Sandwich™ never tasted so... accurate.
posted by dbiedny at 8:50 PM on October 19, 2010

The music in this one sounds sort of like a lo-fi The Knife.
posted by theodolite at 8:56 PM on October 19, 2010

OMG, that vocal sound is annoying as hell. As spiderskull said, "the WTF levels are high in this one", all around. That is all.
posted by Seekerofsplendor at 9:30 PM on October 19, 2010

Someone did a video very similar to this a couple of years ago; I only remember that it featured an animated witch in this sort of style reciting art-pop lyrics by Laurie Anderson or Kate Bush or someone similar, and it would frequently switch characters to an animated cat, then a cowboy, then something else ... It's killing me that I can't remember it, actually, but it struck me as a sort of spiritual predecessor to this. (Except I liked it more.)
posted by mykescipark at 9:49 PM on October 19, 2010

The music all makes me think of Terry Gilliam films.
posted by citywolf at 10:31 PM on October 19, 2010

The only difference between this and Ryan Trecartin is sixteen million dollars.
posted by phooky at 10:54 PM on October 19, 2010

Remember those Beyond The Mind's Eye videos? This is like those but with more poop and less Thomas Dolby.
posted by katillathehun at 11:25 PM on October 19, 2010

Metafilter: more poop and less Thomas Dolby
posted by anigbrowl at 11:51 PM on October 19, 2010

This reminds me a lot of the crude CGI artwork/videos that The Residents have been making for the last fifteen years or so — similarly (intentionally?) amateurish, and quite happy to live, work and play in the uncanniest of valleys. For instance:
posted by Strange Interlude at 12:40 AM on October 20, 2010

gah - these remind me of the hell I used to have to endure at my old job when we were hiring. I'd have to watch dozens of horrible demo reels from untalented animation students, sifting through crap like that for hours to find the few people who could actually create imagery that didn't make us want to pluck our eyes out.
posted by 5_13_23_42_69_666 at 12:43 AM on October 20, 2010 [1 favorite]

friggin weird
posted by delmoi at 2:20 AM on October 20, 2010

In related videos: this uncanny valley smashing dance video featuring a girl with a frozen face dancing to hiphop.
posted by delmoi at 2:22 AM on October 20, 2010

They are frequently (either vaguely or explicitly) NWS.

+1 for use of Curlz MT in credit sequence
posted by A Thousand Baited Hooks at 3:22 AM on October 20, 2010

posted by fire&wings at 4:06 AM on October 20, 2010 [1 favorite]

This is nothing compared to Poser Porn.
Yeah, porn. There's an entire industry built around those kind of programs. Via this tools people can and will make any kind of shit that turns them on in 3d form. There's some weird shit flowing around the web in both comic and video form. Every sexual fetish is represented, even imaginary ones.
Midget pregnant centaurs?
Giant lionesses in love with homosexual elves?
Elaborate super-hero rape fantasies?
Seriously, the day the first version of Poser was released was the day the Internet cried.
Luckily, making animation is harder. Roll a sanity check before watching animated Poser Porn: think this kind of stuff but with people fucking.
posted by darkripper at 4:20 AM on October 20, 2010

All this is very interesting. Any graphic artist knows how long it takes to design a video like this, it isn't easy. I just wonder how people decide on some of these crazy ideas. I would spend my time creating something practical like an ad or something like it!
posted by Michelle Stevens at 5:39 AM on October 20, 2010

Nnnyeaaahhh... No.
posted by seanmpuckett at 6:00 AM on October 20, 2010

This is fucking awesome; what a wonderful time for outsider art.
posted by everichon at 9:14 AM on October 20, 2010 [4 favorites]

Any graphic artist knows how long it takes to design a video like this, it isn't easy

I dunno, slapping a bunch of weird crap together doesn't take long, the hard part is getting it to look good
posted by 5_13_23_42_69_666 at 5:43 PM on October 20, 2010

I dunno, slapping a bunch of weird crap together doesn't take long, the hard part is getting it to look good

Most of these videos are her trying something new in the Carrara software. She's learning how to do 3D modeling, and letting people in on her creative process. If you care to look, you can go back to her earlier videos and see how they've gotten smoother, longer, with more effects, and with better composition. She isn't saying these are great, but she is sharing something she loves with the internet. I didn't post these to make fun of her, I posted them because... well, it's hard to put a finger on, but I really like something about them.
posted by codacorolla at 6:29 PM on October 20, 2010

I think we'd all be suitably mortified if we realized that she's probably read our jaded internet hipster criticisms. It's brave to put works in progress and less than perfect examples up for all of us to see --- even if they remind us of drug-induced nightmare terror visions.
posted by crunchland at 6:39 PM on October 20, 2010

I thought that one cat was going to mount the other one at one point.
posted by wallarookiller at 5:45 PM on November 4, 2010

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