April 30, 2023

Epicurious, Yellow

The Real Difference Between European and American Butter
posted by chavenet at 5:05 PM PST - 135 comments

FIDE World Chess Championship 2023

After Magnus Carlsen declined to defend his title, the 2023 World Chess Championship between Ian Nepomniachtchi and Ding Liren has concluded. Guardian coverage. Full streams playlist on youtube. Agadmator recaps playlist. [more inside]
posted by juv3nal at 1:43 PM PST - 22 comments

Today's Unexpectedly Delightful YouTube Suggestion

On Tuesday 6th March 2012, The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain played live on the main stage at Sydney Opera House in Australia. Orange Blossom Special - The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain. [SLYT]
posted by Glinn at 12:14 PM PST - 8 comments

2023 White House Correspondents Dinner

Joe Biden's speech [22m] came off really well. Roy Wood Jr. was really good. [26m] The whole night [1h38m] included awards and a great speech by Correspondents Association president Tamara Keith.
posted by hippybear at 8:23 AM PST - 41 comments

"a very one-sided attempt at a contract"

"The older kids have been playing with the concept of contracts, which has often involved attempts to trick the other into signing something." Jeff Kaufman shares the "various forms of contract fraud" recently explored by his children and his attempts at explaining that forging your sister's signature on a handwritten note stating "I _Lily_ Wise will let Anna hav wutevr she wonts from me" does not constitute a valid contract with her.
posted by brainwane at 8:21 AM PST - 20 comments

“I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an AI in the knee.”

Modder wires ChatGPT into Skyrim VR so NPCs can roleplay and remember past conversations [YouTube] “Spend enough time in any RPG and you'll eventually run out of things to talk about with its characters. But what if they had a never-ending supply of dynamically generated anecdotes? What if you could ask them questions that weren't listed on a menu in front of you? What if they could even remember the experiences they've had with you in the game, and could talk about them at length? Those are the questions modder Art From The Machine is trying to answer in Skyrim VR. In the video above you can see some scenes from the work-in-progress mod, which uses OpenAI's large language model ChatGPT to generate responses, xVASynth for text-to-speech so the NPCs can be fully voiced, and Whisper for speech-to-text, so players can speak into their mic and the NPCs can understand them.” [via: PC Gamer] [more inside]
posted by Fizz at 7:52 AM PST - 31 comments

Not proven verdict to be scrapped in Scottish courts

Not proven verdict to be scrapped in Scottish courts. [BBC]
posted by chariot pulled by cassowaries at 5:00 AM PST - 21 comments

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